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mts2 get mts balance over puppeteer/pyppeteer
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artyl committed Aug 12, 2020
1 parent 1a61598 commit b35c937
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Showing 2 changed files with 201 additions and 6 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions plugin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def find_ini_up(fn):
return all_ini[0]

def getbalance(method, param_source):
def getbalance_plugin(method, param_source):
'fplugin, login, password, date'
param = {}
if method == 'url':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ def prepare_balance_mobilebalance(self, filter='FULL'):
return res

def get_balance(self, update, context):
def get_balancetext(self, update, context):
"""Send balance only auth user."""'TG:{update.message.chat_id} /balance')
baltxt = self.prepare_balance('FULL')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def __init__(self):'{self.updater}')
dp = self.updater.dispatcher
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("id", self.get_id))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("balance", self.get_balance))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("balance", self.get_balancetext))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("balancefile", self.get_balancefile))
self.updater.start_polling() # Start the Bot
self.send_message(text='Hey there!')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,13 +422,13 @@ def simple_app(self, environ, start_response):
fn = environ.get('PATH_INFO', None)
_, cmd, *param = fn.split('/')
print(f'{cmd}, {param}')
if cmd.lower() == 'getbalance': # старый вариант оставлен поеп для совместимости
ct, text = getbalance('url', param) # TODO !!! Но правильно все-таки через POST
if cmd.lower() == 'getbalance': # старый вариант оставлен пока для совместимости
ct, text = getbalance_plugin('url', param) # TODO !!! Но правильно все-таки через POST
elif cmd.lower() == 'sendtgbalance':
elif cmd.lower() == 'get': # вариант через get запрос
param = urllib.parse.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING'])
ct, text = getbalance('get', param)
ct, text = getbalance_plugin('get', param)
elif cmd == '' or cmd == 'report': # report
options = store.read_ini()['Options']
if options['sqlitestore'] == '1':
Expand Down
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions plugin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import asyncio, time, subprocess, logging, shutil, os, traceback
import pyppeteer # PYthon puPPETEER
#import pprint; pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint
import store, settings

interUnit = 'GB' # В каких единицах идет выдача по интернету

icon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

async def async_main(login, password, storename=None):
result = {}
waitfor = set()
options = store.read_ini()['Options']
# спецвариант по просьбе Mr. Silver в котором возвращаются не остаток интернета, а использованный
mts_usedbyme = options.get('mts_usedbyme', settings.mts_usedbyme)
storefolder = options.get('storefolder', settings.storefolder)
user_data_dir = os.path.join(storefolder,'puppeteer')
profile_directory = storename
chrome_executable_path = options.get('chrome_executable_path', settings.chrome_executable_path)
if not os.path.exists(chrome_executable_path):
chrome_paths = [p for p in settings.chrome_executable_path_alternate if os.path.exists(p)]
if len(chrome_paths) == 0:
logging.error('Chrome.exe not found')
raise RuntimeError(f'Chrome.exe not found')
chrome_executable_path = chrome_paths[0]'Launch chrome from {chrome_executable_path}')
browser = await pyppeteer.launch({
'headless': False,
'ignoreHTTPSErrors': True,
'defaultViewport': None,
'handleSIGINT':False, # need for threading (
# TODO хранить параметр в ini
'executablePath': chrome_executable_path,
'args': [f"--user-data-dir={user_data_dir}", f"--profile-directory={profile_directory}",
'--log-level=3', # no logging
#'--single-process', # <- this one doesn't works in Windows
'--disable-gpu', ],

async def worker(response):
if response.status != 200:
if response.request.url.endswith('api/login/userInfo'):
waitfor.difference_update({'api/login/userInfo'}) # этот элемент больше не ждем'await {response.request.url}')
data = await response.json()
profile = data['userProfile']
result['Balance'] = round(profile.get('balance', 0), 2)
result['TarifPlan'] = profile.get('tariff', '')
result['UserName'] = profile.get('displayName', '')
if response.request.url.endswith('for=api/accountInfo/balance'):
waitfor.difference_update({'for=api/accountInfo/balance'}) # этот элемент больше не ждем'await {response.request.url}')
response_json = await response.json()
data = response_json.get('data', {})
result['Balance'] = round(data['amount'], 2)
if response.request.url.endswith('for=api/services/list/active'):
#if len(await response.text())==0: return
waitfor.difference_update({'for=api/services/list/active'}) # этот элемент больше не ждем"{response.request.url=} {response.request.url.endswith('for=api/services/list/active')} {response.status}")
response_json = await response.json()
data = response_json.get('data', {})
if 'services' in data:
services = [(i['name'], i.get('subscriptionFees', [{}])[0].get('value', 0)) for i in data['services']]
services.sort(key=lambda i:(-i[1],i[0]))
free = len([a for a,b in services if b==0 and (a,b)!=('Ежемесячная плата за тариф', 0)])
paid = len([a for a,b in services if b!=0])
paid_sum = round(sum([b for a,b in services if b!=0]),2)
result['UslugiList']='\n'.join([f'{a}\t{b}' for a,b in services])
if response.request.url.endswith('for=api/sharing/counters'):
waitfor.difference_update({'for=api/sharing/counters'}) # этот элемент больше не ждем"{response.request.url=} {response.request.url.endswith('for=api/services/list/active')} {response.status}")
response_json = await response.json()
data = response_json.get('data', {})
if 'counters' in data:
counters = data['counters']
# Минуты
calling = [i for i in counters if i['packageType'] == 'Calling']
if calling != []:
unit = {'Second': 60, 'Minute': 1}.get(calling[0]['unitType'], 1)
nonused = [i['amount'] for i in calling[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'NonUsed']
usedbyme = [i['amount'] for i in calling[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'UsedByMe']
if nonused != []:
result['Min'] = int(nonused[0]/unit)
if usedbyme != []:
result['SpendMin'] = int(usedbyme[0]/unit)
messaging = [i for i in counters if i['packageType'] == 'Messaging']
if messaging != []:
nonused = [i['amount'] for i in messaging[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'NonUsed']
usedbyme = [i['amount'] for i in messaging[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'UsedByMe']
if (mts_usedbyme == '0' or login not in mts_usedbyme.split(',')) and nonused != []:
result['SMS'] = int(nonused[0])
if (mts_usedbyme == '1' or login in mts_usedbyme.split(',')) and usedbyme != []:
result['SMS'] = int(usedbyme[0])
# Интернет
internet = [i for i in counters if i['packageType'] == 'Internet']
if internet != []:
unitMult = settings.UNIT.get(internet[0]['unitType'], 1)
unitDiv = settings.UNIT.get(interUnit, 1)
nonused = [i['amount'] for i in internet[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'NonUsed']
usedbyme = [i['amount'] for i in internet[0] ['parts'] if i['partType'] == 'UsedByMe']
if (mts_usedbyme == '0' or login not in mts_usedbyme.split(',')) and nonused != []:
result['Internet'] = round(nonused[0]*unitMult/unitDiv, 2)
if (mts_usedbyme == '1' or login in mts_usedbyme.split(',')) and usedbyme != []:
result['Internet'] = round(usedbyme[0]*unitMult/unitDiv, 2)

async def do_waitfor(tokens):
'Ждем пока прогрузятся все интересующие страницы с данными'
waitfor.update(tokens)'Start wait {waitfor}')
for countdown in range(10): # TODO подобрать параметр
if len(waitfor) == 0: break
logging.debug(f'Wait {waitfor} {countdown}')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
else: # так и не дождались - пробуем перезагрузить и еще подождать'RELOAD')
await page.reload()
for countdown in range(20): # TODO подобрать параметр
if len(waitfor) == 0: break
logging.debug(f'Wait {waitfor} {countdown}')'End wait {waitfor}')

pages = await browser.pages()
for page in pages[1:]:
await page.close() # Закрываем остальные страницы, если вдруг открыты
page = pages[0] # await browser.newPage()
page.on("response", worker) # вешаем обработчик на страницы'goto')
await page.goto('', {'timeout': 20000})
except pyppeteer.errors.TimeoutError:'page.goto timeout')'waitForNavigation')
# почему-то иногда застревает
await page.reload()
await page.waitForNavigation({'timeout': 20000})
except pyppeteer.errors.TimeoutError:'waitForNavigation timeout')
#await page.screenshot({ 'path': 'image2.jpg', type: 'jpeg' });

if await page.evaluate("document.getElementById('password') !== null"):'Login')
await page.type("#phone", login, {'delay': 10})
await page.type("#password", password, {'delay': 10})
await page.evaluate("document.getElementsByClassName('checkbox__input')[0].checked=true")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await page.evaluate("document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn_large btn_wide')[0].click()")
else:'Already login')
#await asyncio.sleep(1000)
# почему-то иногда застревает явно идем в
await page.goto('', {'timeout': 20000})
await do_waitfor({'api/login/userInfo', 'for=api/accountInfo/balance', 'for=api/sharing/counters'})

await page.goto('', {'timeout': 20000})
await do_waitfor({'for=api/services/list/active'})'Data ready')
await browser.close()
clear_cache(user_data_dir, profile_directory)
return result

def clear_cache(user_data_dir, profile_directory):
profilepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(user_data_dir, profile_directory))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(profilepath, 'Cache'), ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(profilepath, 'Code Cache'), ignore_errors=True)

def get_balance(login, password, storename=None):
''' На вход логин и пароль, на выходе словарь с результатами '''
result = {}
# спецвариант по просьбе Mr. Silver в котором возвращаются не остаток интернета, а использованный
options = store.read_ini()['Options']
mts_usedbyme = options.get('mts_usedbyme', settings.mts_usedbyme)
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
result = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(async_main(login, password, storename))
# TODO !!! kill chrome
return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
print('This is module mts on puppeteer (mts2)')

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