Data Driven Blog. Use JSON format to display your data and clean and minimal design. DD Blog provides you high performance single page app. Built with VueJS and Bootsrap.
To change posts
- Download all files from "dist" folder
- Open and edit ״posts.json״ with any text editor or tool.
- Upload everything to your root folder.
Enjoy :)
All posts are generated from this data. Nothing is necessary, post can contain any combination of data properties.
"photo": "img/filename.jpg", path to an image, big thumbnail
"icon": "img/filename.svg", // path to an image, small icon
"title": "Post Title",
"subtitle": "Subtitle",
"text": "Post body text, can be any length",
"link": [
"href": "GitHub",
"text": ""
"href": "#",
"text": "Link 2"
"tags": ["Main", "Example" ]
Top menu is auto generated from post tags, default starting tag is main. Post can appear at several menu pages, according to its tags.
There is ddblog.sketch file in design folder, feel free to use that. To customize CSS or Bootstrap layout - read about advanced usage.
With advanced usage you will be able to customize DD Blog, change design or add new functionality. I used VueJS Cli and Vue-Bootstrap to build this.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
Thank you, if you have any questions or suggest, please contact me.