tl;dr: bugfixes and RM effect.
What's Changed
- test limb darkening by @arjunsavel in #24
- test PCA by @arjunsavel in #25
- test doppler shift by @arjunsavel in #26
- Test utils more by @arjunsavel in #29
- remove the extra utils code by @arjunsavel in #30
- out of transit flux working now i think maybe by @arjunsavel in #36
- now transit duration can just be gotten from the database nice by @arjunsavel in #37
- add rm effect by @arjunsavel in #42
- add some simulation running tests by @arjunsavel in #44
- debug RM effect grid by @arjunsavel in #45
- test the planet location by @arjunsavel in #46
- Test doppler shifting RM grid. by @arjunsavel in #47
- test the occulting a bit by @arjunsavel in #48
- test the occulting more by @arjunsavel in #50
- test emcee hires a bit by @arjunsavel in #55
- Minor refactor by @arjunsavel in #56
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-beta...v0.4.0-beta