Solutions to the following coding problems. The dataset used is the iris flower dataset. The Jupyter Notebook contains solutions to each of the following problems.
Find the details of all the plants which belong to the species 'Setosa'.
Find the mean sepal_length of each species present in the dataset.
Double the petal_width of all plants which have a petal_width = 1.4
Show the details of the plant which has the maximum petal_length for each species.
Apply the following function on the sepal_length value all the plants Function Description: The function should sum the numbers on either side of the decimal point and return the sum. example: function(5.2) = 7, function(7.4) = 11 (Hint : use pd.apply)
Find the species which has the maximum variation in it's sepal_width. Variation is the difference between the max and min values of that feauture in the species.
Find out how many virginica plants have a greater sepal_length than the average sepal_length of the versicolor species.
Find out the species which has the maximum average petal area (petal area = petal_length * petal_width)
Create seperate dataframes for the three species, and then join them using outer join. Return the resulting dataframe.