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Merge pull request #4 from jbae11/2017-bae-synergistic
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2017 bae synergistic ANS presentation
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katyhuff authored Oct 31, 2017
2 parents 274454a + 73b7999 commit 8b19ff3
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Showing 40 changed files with 1,260 additions and 203 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions acks.tex

This file was deleted.

20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions acros.tex
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@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
\newacronym[longplural={metric tons of heavy metal}]{MTHM}{MTHM}{metric ton of heavy metal}
\newacronym{ABM}{ABM}{agent-based modeling}
\newacronym{ACDIS}{ACDIS}{Program in Arms Control \& Domestic and International Security}
\newacronym{ADS}{ADS}{Accelerator-Driven Systems}
\newacronym{AHTR}{AHTR}{Advanced High Temperature Reactor}
\newacronym{ANDRA}{ANDRA}{Agence Nationale pour la gestion des D\'echets RAdioactifs, the French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management}
\newacronym{ANL}{ANL}{Argonne National Laboratory}
\newacronym{ANS}{ANS}{American Nuclear Society}
\newacronym{API}{API}{application programming interface}
\newacronym{ARE}{ARE}{Aircraft Reactor Experiment}
\newacronym{ARFC}{ARFC}{Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles}
\newacronym{ASME}{ASME}{American Society of Mechanical Engineers}
\newacronym{ASTRID}{ASTRID}{Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration}
\newacronym{ATWS}{ATWS}{Anticipated Transient Without Scram}
\newacronym{BDBE}{BDBE}{Beyond Design Basis Event}
\newacronym{BIDS}{BIDS}{Berkeley Institute for Data Science}
\newacronym{BWR}{BWR}{Boiling Water Reactor}
\newacronym{CAFCA}{CAFCA}{ Code for Advanced Fuel Cycles Assessment }
\newacronym{CDTN}{CDTN}{Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear}
\newacronym{CEA}{CEA}{Commissariat \`a l'\'Energie Atomique et aux \'Energies Alternatives}
Expand All @@ -35,16 +38,20 @@
\newacronym{DSNF}{DSNF}{DOE spent nuclear fuel}
\newacronym{DYMOND}{DYMOND}{Dynamic Model of Nuclear Development }
\newacronym{EBS}{EBS}{Engineered Barrier System}
\newacronym{EDF}{EDF}{\`{E}lectricit\`{e} de France}
\newacronym{EDZ}{EDZ}{Excavation Disturbed Zone}
\newacronym{EIA}{EIA}{U.S. Energy Information Administration}
\newacronym{EPA}{EPA}{Environmental Protection Agency}
\newacronym{EPR}{EPR}{European Pressurized Reactor}
\newacronym{EP}{EP}{Engineering Physics}
\newacronym{EU}{EU}{European Union}
\newacronym{FCO}{FCO}{Fuel Cycle Options}
\newacronym{FCT}{FCT}{Fuel Cycle Technology}
\newacronym{FEHM}{FEHM}{Finite Element Heat and Mass Transfer}
\newacronym{FEPs}{FEPs}{Features, Events, and Processes}
\newacronym{FHR}{FHR}{Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor}
\newacronym{FP}{FP}{Fission Products}
\newacronym{GDSE}{GDSE}{Generic Disposal System Environment}
\newacronym{GDSM}{GDSM}{Generic Disposal System Model}
\newacronym{GENIUSv1}{GENIUSv1}{Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios, Version 1}
Expand All @@ -59,6 +66,7 @@
\newacronym{HTGR}{HTGR}{High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor}
\newacronym{IAEA}{IAEA}{International Atomic Energy Agency}
\newacronym{IEMA}{IEMA}{Illinois Emergency Mangament Agency}
\newacronym{IHLRWM}{IHLRWM}{International High Level Radioactive Waste Management}
\newacronym{INL}{INL}{Idaho National Laboratory}
\newacronym{IPRR1}{IRP-R1}{Instituto de Pesquisas Radioativas Reator 1}
\newacronym{IRP}{IRP}{Integrated Research Project}
Expand All @@ -76,6 +84,8 @@
\newacronym{LOHS}{LOHS}{Loss of Heat Sink}
\newacronym{LOLA}{LOLA}{Loss of Large Area}
\newacronym{LP}{LP}{linear program}
\newacronym{LWR}{LWR}{Light Water Reactor}
\newacronym{MAGNOX}{MAGNOX}{Magnesium Alloy Graphie Moderated Gas Cooled Uranium Oxide Reactor}
\newacronym{MA}{MA}{minor actinide}
\newacronym{MCNP}{MCNP}{Monte Carlo N-Particle code}
\newacronym{MILP}{MILP}{mixed-integer linear program}
Expand All @@ -86,6 +96,7 @@
\newacronym{MSBR}{MSBR}{Molten Salt Breeder Reactor}
\newacronym{MSRE}{MSRE}{Molten Salt Reactor Experiment}
\newacronym{MSR}{MSR}{Molten Salt Reactor}
\newacronym[longplural={metric tons of heavy metal}]{MTHM}{MTHM}{metric ton of heavy metal}
\newacronym{NAGRA}{NAGRA}{National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste}
\newacronym{NEAMS}{NEAMS}{Nuclear Engineering Advanced Modeling and Simulation}
\newacronym{NEUP}{NEUP}{Nuclear Energy University Programs}
Expand All @@ -109,9 +120,10 @@
\newacronym{PBFHR}{PB-FHR}{Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor}
\newacronym{PEI}{PEI}{Peak Environmental Impact}
\newacronym{PRIS}{PRIS}{Power Reactor Information System}
\newacronym{PRKE}{PRKE}{Point Reactor Kinetics Equations}
\newacronym{PWAR}{PWAR}{Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Reactor}
\newacronym{PWAR}{PWAR}{Pratt and Whitney Aircraft REeactor}
\newacronym{PWR}{PWR}{Pressurized Water Reactor}
\newacronym{PyNE}{PyNE}{Python toolkit for Nuclear Engineering}
\newacronym{PyRK}{PyRK}{Python for Reactor Kinetics}
Expand All @@ -130,18 +142,20 @@
\newacronym{SWF}{SWF}{Separations and Waste Forms}
\newacronym{SWU}{SWU}{Separative Work Unit}
\newacronym{ThOX}{ThOX}{thorium oxide}
\newacronym{TRIGA}{TRIGA}{Training Research Isotope General Atomic}
\newacronym{TRISO}{TRISO}{Tristructural Isotropic}
\newacronym{TSM}{TSM}{Total System Model}
\newacronym{TSPA}{TSPA}{Total System Performance Assessment for the Yucca Mountain License Application}
\newacronym{ThOX}{ThOX}{thorium oxide}
\newacronym{UFD}{UFD}{Used Fuel Disposition}
\newacronym{UML}{UML}{Unified Modeling Language}
\newacronym{UNF}{UNF}{Used Nuclear Fuel}
\newacronym{UOX}{UOX}{uranium oxide}
\newacronym{UQ}{UQ}{uncertainty quantification}
\newacronym{US}{US}{United States}
\newacronym{UW}{UW}{University of Wisconsin}
\newacronym{VISION}{VISION}{the Verifiable Fuel Cycle Simulation Model}
\newacronym{VVER}{VVER}{Voda-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reaktor (Russian Pressurized Water Reactor)}
\newacronym{VV}{V\&V}{verification and validation}
\newacronym{WIPP}{WIPP}{Waste Isolation Pilot Plant}
\newacronym{YMR}{YMR}{Yucca Mountain Repository Site}
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions appendix.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
\frametitle{Composition of fresh and spent fuel}
Reference depletion calculation from ORGIEN was used (also used in \cite{wilson_adoption_2009}).
Isotope & Fresh UOX Fuel & Spent UOX Fuel (BU: $51\frac{GWdth}{MTHM}$) & Fresh SFR Fuel & Spent SFR Fuel \\ \hline
He4 & & 9.474E-07 & & 7.827E-06 \\ \hline
Ra226 & & 9.788E-14 & & 5.151E-14 \\ \hline
Ra228 & & 2.750E-20 & & 4.904E-21 \\ \hline
Pb206 & & 5.574E-18 & & 1.210E-18 \\ \hline
Pb207 & & 1.685E-15 & & 1.892E-16 \\ \hline
Pb208 & & 3.688E-12 & & 5.875E-11 \\ \hline
Pb210 & & 3.023E-19 & & 8.143E-18 \\ \hline
Th228 & & 8.475E-12 & & 1.004E-10 \\ \hline
Th229 & & 2.727E-12 & & 4.065E-12 \\ \hline
Th230 & & 2.625E-09 & & 2.139E-09 \\ \hline
Th232 & & 4.174E-10 & & 4.425E-11 \\ \hline
Bi209 & & 6.607E-16 & & 2.600E-14 \\ \hline
Ac227 & & 3.096E-14 & & 4.840E-15 \\ \hline
Pa231 & & 9.246E-10 & & 1.300E-10 \\ \hline
U232 & & 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
U233 & & 2.213E-09 & & 5.528E-09 \\ \hline
U234 & 0.000& 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
U235 & 0.032& 0.007 & 0.002 & 0.000 \\ \hline
U236 & & 0.005 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
U238 & 0.968& 0.920 & 0.887 & 0.808 \\ \hline
Np237 & & 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Pu238 & & 0.000 & 0.001 & 0.001 \\ \hline
Pu239 & & 0.006 & 0.060 & 0.085 \\ \hline
Pu240 & & 0.002 & 0.027 & 0.027 \\ \hline
Pu241 & & 0.001 & 0.014 & 0.003 \\ \hline
Pu242 & & 0.000 & 0.005 & 0.001 \\ \hline
Pu244 & & 2.864E-08 & 1.508E-07 & 5.461E-09 \\ \hline
Am241 & & 6.442E-05 & & 0.001 \\ \hline
Am242m & & 8.533E-07 & & 7.961E-05 \\ \hline
Am243 & & 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Cm242 & & 2.589E-05 & & 5.331E-05 \\ \hline
Cm243 & & 0.000 & & 3.242E-06 \\ \hline
Cm244 & & 8.561E-05 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Cm245 & & 5.721E-06 & & 3.936E-05 \\ \hline
Cm246 & & 7.295E-07 & & 1.434E-05 \\ \hline
Cm247 & & 0.000 & & 5.317E-07 \\ \hline
Cm248 & & 7.691E-10 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Cm250 & & 4.280E-18 & & 6.407E-15 \\ \hline
Cf249 & & 1.649E-12 & & 6.446E-10 \\ \hline
Cf250 & & 2.041E-12 & & 6.703E-11 \\ \hline
Cf251 & & 9.865E-13 & & 1.903E-12 \\ \hline
Cf 252 & & 6.579E-13 & & 4.014E-14 \\ \hline
H3 & & 8.584E-08 & & 1.747E-07 \\ \hline
C14 & & 4.057E-11 & & \\ \hline
C Other & & & & \\ \hline
Kr81 & & 4.216E-11 & & 8.038E-12 \\ \hline
Kr85 & & 3.444E-05 & & 2.950E-05 \\ \hline
Kr Other & & 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Sr90 & & 0.001 & & 0.001 \\ \hline
Sr Other & & 0.000 & & 0.000 \\ \hline
Tc99 & & 0.000 & & 5.391E-05 \\ \hline
Tc Other & & 0.000 & & 0.002 \\ \hline

\caption{Fresh and Spent Fuel Compositions}
\end {table}
71 changes: 43 additions & 28 deletions arfc-pres.tex
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%\title[short title]{long title}
\title[Short Title]{A Very Very Long Title for a Presentation about Cats}
\title[Synergistic Spent Nuclear Fuel Dynamics Within the European Union]{Synergistic Spent Nuclear Fuel Dynamics Within the European Union}
%\subtitle[short subtitle]{long subtitle}
\subtitle[Short SubTitle]{Mostly Kittens}
\subtitle[French Transition into SFRs]{French Transition into SFRs}
%\author[short name]{long name}
\author[Your Name]{Your Name\\Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles Group}
\author[Jin Whan Bae, Kathryn Huff, Clifford Singer]{Jin Whan Bae, Kathryn Huff, Clifford Singer \\ Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles Group}
%\date[short date]{long date}
\date[04.01.2100]{April 1, 2100}
\date[10.31.2017]{October 31, 2017}
%\institution[short name]{long name}
\institute[UIUC]{University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign}

%%%% Acronym support



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%%%% Acronym support



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%% From uw-beamer Here's a handy bit of code to place at
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\subsection{Cat Behavior}
\subsection{Cat Appearance}
\subsection{Cat Math}
\subsection{Illinois Colors}

\section{Scenario Specification}



{\footnotesize \bibliography{bibliography.bib} }

{\footnotesize \bibliography{bibliography} }

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