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Welcome to the repository showcasing Finite Element Method (FEM) based solvers developed using the Arcane Framework. The FEM solvers/algorithms here are optimized for both CPU and GPU-based parallel computing environments.

Before diving into the samples provided, please ensure you have installed a recent version (3.14.4) of the Arcane Framework.

How to test

It is simple compile$\rightarrow$execute$\rightarrow$visualize


To compile the sources, follow these steps:

# Set up paths

# Invoke CMake to configure the build

# Build the project
cmake --build ${BUILD_DIR}


Once compiled, execute any module of your choice. For example for the elasticity solver. Navigate to the appropriate directory:

cd ${BUILD_DIR}/elasticity

Then run the executable with the desired input file:

./Elasticity Test.Elasticity.arc

for parallel run (domain-decompostion) e.g:

mpirun -n 4 ./Elasticity Test.Elasticity.arc

Alternatively, you can provide command-line arguments to run the solver:

./Elasticity -A,CaseDatasetFileName=Test.Elasticity.arc

For additional commands to control Arcane, refer to Arcane Documentation.*


After running the test cases visualize the results using ParaView:

paraview ${BUILD_DIR}/elastcity/output/depouillement/vtkhdfv2/Mesh0.hdf

please note you will need the latest ParaView ( > 5.12) and Arcane framework compiled with mpi support for hdf5.