How to get started:
- Copy .env.sample and rename to .env.local
- Create Azure Active Directory
- Register a new App under Azure Active Directory
- Navigate to App and Click on Manifest, set oauth2ImplicitFlow to true, Add your apps reply URL to the list of reply URL's in the manifest.
- Add user to Azure Active Directory
- Add the user to the App in Azure Active Directory
- Navigate to App in Azure Active Directory, select 'Permissions' and click on 'Grant Permissions". (This will grant the selected users permission to the App).
- Navigate to App in Azure Active Directory and Click on Manifest, Copy the 'IdentifiedUrl', paste it into the REACT_APP_AUTH_TENANT field in the .env.local file of your solution. Remember to remove the "http://" part from the value.
- Copy the ApplicationId of the App in Azure Active Directory and paste it into the REACT_APP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID value in the .env.local file of your solution.
Your .env.local should look something like this: