Task from Service Partner ONE (SPO ) Steps to Run the application 1- Clone https://github.com/aqibbutt/SPOCodingChallenge.git by using command "git clone " 2- confuigure whole project in eclipse IDE or your favorit IDE 3- Run project. Main class is SPOStart.java. Before running this application make sure you have Spring boot plugin install in your IDE. 4- Run any http client for testing web services like Postman/RestClient 5- Set the request type to post 6- set address to http://localhost:8080/solution for solution developed by me 7- set address to http://localhost:8080/sposolution for SPO Code challenge
8- prepare body message for-example { "rooms": [35, 21, 17], "senior": 10, "junior": 6 } 9- Set content-type to JSON(application/json) 10- press send and if response is coming then its mean application is running perfectly on your machine (because its already running perfect iny machine :D ) 11- Run test cases for testing unit testing. 10.1 Execute CalculationTest.java it should pass . 10.2 Execute CalculationAPITest.java make sure your application is running because it will test the response.