Purpose: Base css for all apsc collab sites. It is referenced by all apsc collab sites in production.
Apsc collab css is hosted on github pages. This allows us to remotely reference the repo's css files from github.
|-- modules/ # for code that is reused often; this includes variables, mixins etc
| |-- colors.scss
| |-- fonts.scss
| ...
|-- partials/ # for code that doesn't need to be compiled to css; e.g buttons, grids
| |-- _base.scss # import all variables, mixins etc from modules;
| |-- _buttons.scss
| |-- _headings.scss
| |-- _layout.scss
| |-- _nav.scss
| |-- _sidebar.scss
| ...
|-- vendors/ #external css or sass from other projects or vendors
| ...
|-- main.scss #main css file; import all partials using @use rule
Note: Import variables, mixins etc on _base.css. Do not import these modules on main.scss
To make changes to apcs collab base css code (i.e any piece of code on this repository)
- Clone the repository to your local environment using HTTPS or SSH
git clone https://github.com/apsc-web/collab-css.git
- Navigate to the apsc-collab-css directory
- Set up sass to automatically watch and compile main.scss to a minified version of css
sass --watch main.scss main.min.css --style compressed
- Checkout a feature branch on the local repository
git checkout -b <new-branch>
- Make required changes
- Commit your changes and push to staging/feature branch on github
git commit -m "message"
- Create a pull request to merge staging/master
- Merge the changes to master
While git version control is meant to alievate the pain of accidentaly loosing important code by allowing us to revert dangerous changes, please refrain from editing code on this repository unless your goal is to change the base css code of all collab sites in production. If your change is site specific, please consider making those changes through the site's custom css.
Why is apsc collab css hosted on github pages? This allows us to reference the css directly from github. Doing this allows us to reap the numerous benefits of version control.
Having trouble? Send an email to [email protected] and someone will help you sort it out.