Low-level client for interacting with Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP) for Python.
This library is in alpha. Use it at your own risk.
pip install cidipi
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import cast
from cidipi.client import Browser
from cidipi.models import EventResponse, Payload, Tab
from cidipi.protocols import commands, events
level=logging.DEBUG, format="[%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s"
logging.getLogger("websockets.client").disabled = True
async def navigate(tab: Tab, *, url: str, wait_until: str):
async def wait_for(data: Payload, result: asyncio.Future):
if data.kind == "result":
cdp_event_klass = events.Page.lifecycleEvent
cdp_event_name = cdp_event_klass.get_method_name()
resp_data = cast(EventResponse, data.data)
if resp_data["method"] == cdp_event_name:
obj = cdp_event_klass(**resp_data["params"])
if obj.name == wait_until:
return await tab.execute(
commands.Page.navigate(url=url), callback=wait_for, timeout=30
async def main():
async with Browser(headless=False, remote_port=0) as browser:
async def run(url: str):
async with browser.new_tab() as tab:
await tab.execute(commands.Page.enable())
await tab.execute(commands.Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled(enabled=True))
await navigate(tab, url=url, wait_until="load")
await run("https://www.google.com")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the examples/ directory to get started.