appLariat's generic image builder for HAproxy. This is the default build configuration for HAproxy images and is used by the appLariat Component Builder service
Default build workflow:
- Component builder starts with a task to create a haproxy image and then dynamically retrieves this repository.
- Component builder updates the FROM image based on the component configuration to pull the proper version of the haproxy image.
- Component builder retrieves and prepares the specified code artifact.
- Component builder executes a Docker Build to generate an image
- Pulls the proper official haproxy image as the base image layer
- Copies the and into the image
- Copies the conf/ directory which includes haproxy.cfg file into image.
- Copies the code artifact into the image
- Executes the script to prepare the image to run.
- Component builder pushes the generated image to a designated container repository
If you only need customize the haproxy configuration files, the script will automatically look for a directory in the code artifact called haproxy-conf, in which case it will overwrite the default configuration files
Clone this repository to modify and then update the build artifact in your application component configuration within appLariat to use your own customized builder.
Simplest option is to modify the and scripts to prepare and customize the image.
- runs once during the docker build process. It can be used to install software packages into image.
- runs every time that image starts and can be utilized to prepare run time environmet like exporting environment variables, setting the PATH etc.
Alternatively you can also modify the Dockerfile and use Docker syntax to build your own customized image. If you create your own Dockerfile you will also need to update the image artifact in appLariat as component builder will override the FROM line in the Dockerfile with the image specified in the config.