Please read the documentation here:
Your Ionic project is ready to go! Some quick tips:
- cd into your project:
cd ionwordpress
- Setup this project to use Sass:
ionic setup sass
- Develop in the browser with live reload:
ionic serve
- Add a platform (ios or Android):
ionic platform add ios [android]
Note: iOS development requires OS X currently See the Android Platform Guide for full Android installation instructions:
- Build your app:
ionic build <PLATFORM>
- Simulate your app:
ionic emulate <PLATFORM>
- Run your app on a device:
ionic run <PLATFORM>
- Package an app using Ionic package service:
ionic package <MODE> <PLATFORM>
- Generate icon and splash screen:
ionic resources
For more help use ionic --help
or visit the Ionic docs:
- If you build for ios and find yourself having cordova plugin errors (like iOS unable to find plugins) do the following:
- delete ./plugins/ios.json
- then delete ./platforms/ios
- run ionic platform add ios
- ionic build ios. Deleting ios.json helps to force it to recompile the plugins.
To prepare the apk to upload to Google Play (see:
cordova build --release android
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ionwordpress-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ionwordpress-key.keystore "$HOME"/ionwordpress/platforms/android/ant-build/CordovaApp-release-unsigned.apk alias_name
zipalign -v 4 "$HOME"/ionwordpress/platforms/android/ant-build/CordovaApp-release-unsigned.apk ionwordpress.apk