Configures Bash profile, Vim, tmux, git, rubocop, etc.
My prompt tries to strike a balance between brevity and usefullness.
If you are in a git or hg repository it will show you which branch you are on.
Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Arch
Install ruby and python development libraries.
Install Docker and Vagrant.
Install many other useful packages.
echo 'Documents /home/apowers/Documents vboxsf rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,noauto 0 0' >> /etc/fstab mkdir -p ~/.profile.d echo 'sudo mount Documents' > ~/.profile.d/
Install xfce4
Use a window theme with larger borders for easier grabbing.
- Settings -> Window Manager -> Style: Default
- Settings -> Keyboard -> Layout -> English/English(Dvorak)
- Terminal -> Edit -> Preferences -> Colors -> Text Color -> #AFAFAF
- Terminal -> Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> ** Ubuntu: DejaVu Sans Mono Book 9 ** Arch: Dina 9
Note: You can also resize with ALT+R + click-drag
Ubuntu, Arch
Install Sublime 3 PPA
Install Sublime 3
Install settings files
Install Package Control from: Sublime may need to restart several times.
CTRL+SHIFT+P, "Package Control: Install Package",
- GitGutter
- SideBarEnhancements
- SublimeLinter
- RuboCop
- Alignment (?)
- Syntax Matcher (?)
- Pretty YAML (?)
- Pretty JSON (?)
- JSON Lint (?)
- Rspec
- Puppet
- Chef
- Chefspec
Open the Folders tree: File -> Open Folder
Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS, Fedora
Install Puppet
Install Gems for Beaker, puppet-lint, rspec-puppet
Ubuntu/Debian, CentOS, Fedorao, Arch Any (Chef only via RubyGems)
Install Chef Repo
Install Chef Standalone, Chef DevKit