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RSpec, Apotomo, and Devise

adamstrickland edited this page Mar 27, 2013 · 4 revisions


Right, so we happen to be using Apotomo widgets in an application using Devise that we're testing with RSpec. Further, the data that our Apotomo widgets display is user-dependent, driving off of current_user, which is supplied by Devise by including Devise::Controllers::Helpers in our Widgets. Testing them proved to be a bit of a bear; in the end, we used an RSpec shared_context to simplify writing our tests, so in case you're using a similar setup (or a similar, derivative case), so for your testing pleasure, please enjoy this gist. Cheers!


Create a shared context from the gist. I usually put these in spec/support/shared_contexts, but that's up to you.

Create your spec.

require "spec_helper"

describe FooWidget do
  include_context "widget"

In your spec, you can have Apotomo render your widget by using render_widget(widget_name). Similarly, you can use a before block to do some additional set-up, a la

let(:name) { "Ford Prefect" }
before {
subject { render_widget(widget_name) }
context "should display my" do
  it { should have_content(name) }

Other Variables

In case you can't read ruby source code (in which case, why are you here???):

  • widget_klass - the widget's class, pulled from the top-line describe
  • widget_name - the key that Apotomo uses to find the widget; defaults to the underscored class name, less '_widget'
  • widget_instance - the actual instance of the widget
  • current_user - duh