Covid19-Data-Visualization-using-Python: Visualize the global spread of COVID-19 using Python, Plotly, and a real data set.
Aim of the Project: The main goal of this project is to use real-world data to perform data analysis and data visualization.
What we learn: This project helps us to collect, analyze, clean, manipulate and visualize data with python libraries like numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn.
What we do: We use 3 different covid-19 datasets and perform data analysis Using python and Tableau.
In this project, we used two datasets One is "covid_19_india" data set for different states and union territories and the second dataset "Covid_vaccine_statewise" is used for analyzing the status of vaccination in different states in India using python.
We use tableau software to create interesting visualizations for dataset – "country_wise_latest" and we will convert those visuals and put it in the form of a dashboard towards the end of the project.