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Blog enabled Jekyll Based Personal Webpage

This is a personal webpage based on Jekyll and Liquid inspired from the Barry Clarks Jekyll-Now Repository.

Home Page Preview

To use this repository for your github pages based webpage: fork this repository, rename it to and customize the content and you are ready to go.

Key Feature

All the personal information including projects and other activities go into the YAML files in the data directory and config.yml file making the web page very easy to customize.

There are five YAML files in data directory and config.yml file in the root folder and their content are as follows:

  • config.yml : Contains basic information of the user, email, and social media handles.

  • navigation.yml : The list in this file defines the navigation pane of the website. Currently there are 5 tabs availaible in the list. Any of the tabs can be disabled by commenting or deleting the entry corresponding to that tab. To add another tab, an entry corresponding to the name of the tab and associated webpage address needs to be made.


  • home.yml : The content for the homepage is stored on this page. Content of the - Intro entry takes in raw HTML code for the description to be shown on the home page and can easily be modified to give personal style to the description.

  • projects.yml : This file has three sections corresponding to Research Projects, Technical Project, and Miscellaneous Projects. New entries corresponding to the projects is to be made in sub directory of respective section. Options availaible for project entries in different sections are shown in the sample project entries. Kindly note that sequence of projects is important and project that appears first in the list will appear first on the webpage.

  • publications.yml : This data file is similar in structure to the projects.yml file however the sub directory is under the year entry of the yearwise entry to display the list in chronological order on the webpage. Entries for a specific year are to be made in sub directory of that year. Options availaible corresponding to different sections are shown in their respective examples.


  • extras.yml : The page enlists the hobbies and other experiences and can be customized using the options availaible in the sample entries.

The structure of the webpage is quite intuitive and adaptable and can easily be modified to suit ones preferences. Descriptions of the folders and files are as follows:

  • _data : As explained above, it contains most of the personal data content displayed on the webpage.
  • _drafts : Drafts of blog post.
  • _posts : Published posts with format as
  • _includes : This folder contains files with HTML codes (correspinding to metadata, navigation pane, and footer) that are used on every page.
  • _layouts : Contains layout files which define the structure of the webpage by placing codes from includes folder at appropriate locations on the page.
  • _sass : Stores all the css code in .scss format which is compiled using styles.css file in /assets/css folder.
  • _assets : Contains css, images, and other files used on the webpage.

Structure in which content from the YAML files in data folder is displayed is defined in corresponding HTML files in the root directory.

I would love to hear suggestion and improvements, kindly reach out to me on my email or raise an issue.

Thank You.


Personal webpage based on Jekyll






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