See webpage for more details and sample output.
This compiler is based on a slightly modified version of the Janus programming language. Below are some references:
- A reversible programming language and its invertible self-interpreter
- JANUS: A Time-Reversible Language
Create a sandbox (recommended) with:
cabal sandbox init
Install dependencies:
cabal install --dependencies-only
Now build the actual project using:
cabal build
It will place the jcc binary in dist/build/jcc/jcc
For help use:
jcc -h
Currently a semicolon is needed after each statement. This will hopefully be fixed when I have time to update the parser.
Not all operations are yet supported.
Due to the compilation target (no-feedback circuit model), loops are only planned to be supported in the case where they have fixed bounds. For that same reason procedures might be supported in the future but recursive calls will not be.
For example try:
x1 x2;
x1 += x2;
x2 ^= x1;
Note if-statements are currently implemented but do not work correctly. This will be fixed when hadamard gates are added to the gate set and simulator.