###DH2642- Final Project Group 11: Samuel Wahlstedt, Marcus Ahlström, Fredrik Berglund and Ellinor Jutterström
###Brief summary:
- Login or create an account (with email, Facebook, Twitter or Google+)
- Receive an egg
- Click the egg to hatch it
- Recieve a random monster (generated from the api: http://pokeapi.co/)
- Give stuff to your monster for happiness
- Give candy to your monster for levels
- Fight other monsters
- Toplist with the most powerful users' monsters (and the weak ones)
- Compare other users' monsters with your own
###Important stuff:
- Each user and the user's monster (you can only have one) is saved in our database, with levels and other stats.
- Drag and drop to give monster stuff
- Different views for battles, viewing monsters, toplist etc. are all tied to the main-model.
- Using HTML5 canvas to create a space where other users' monsters™ roam around, conveying messages/updates from the users.
- Online interaction in the form of a chatroom where your monster represents you and acts as an avatar. Can also fight with other users in real time.