What's Changed
Updated Tourmaline to work with qiime2-2023.5. In this version, you must install snakemake in a separate environment, and run Tourmaline commands in the snakemake environment.
Breaking changes
- Qiime2 artifacts created with qiime2-2023.5 are NOT backward compatible with previous versions of qiime2 or Tourmaline. Artifact created with previous versions are compatible with this version, though.
Feature updates
- Added export_asv_taxa_obis rule to create 01-taxonomy/asv_taxa_sample_table.tsv file that combines ASV sequences, taxonomy, and per-sample read counts. This file can be used for conversion to OBIS/GBIF format.
- Added support for user-provided classifier when doing naives-bayes. Must be provided as "classifier.qza" in the "01-imported/" folder.