Worker that listen to an amqp queue and creates virtual hosts in a webserver config (nginx).
Have a look at for a closer description what this worker does.
The main purpose to add virtual hosts to a webserver is to setup ssl certificates via an api. To setup a load-balancing it is necessary to setup multiple webservers.For that reason the worker is connected via an amqp queue to the api so that more worker installed on several webservers can listen to the api and perform the config changes for the webservers.
The API is the counter part of the worker. It writes the jobs into the amqp queue. The code for the API can be found in the following repo:
The payload containing the information about the virtual host is a json hash serialized as a string. In general these information will be pushed by the api (see above). It should have the following fields:
server_name: The name of the virtual host e.g “”.
server_aliases: (optional) A comma separated list of server alias names e.g. “,,”.
ssl_certificate: A certificate certificated by the certificated authority.
ssl_ca_certificate: The ssl certificate of the certificated authority.
ssl_key: The private key of the ssl certificate.
action: to remove a vhost this must be ‘delete’.
server_name: The name of the virtual host e.g “”.
Add your configs to the amqp.yml: See the amqp.yml.example file to connect to the amqp service (i.g. rabbitMQ). The configs made here should be the sames as for the API.
Add configs to the application.yml:
amqp_channel: The name of the amqp channel. This should be the same for each worker and the for the api.
queue_id: The queue connected to the worker. Each worker must have its own queue so this option should be differ for each worker.
cert_dir: The directory where all certificate files should save to.
v_host_config_dir: The directory where all configs for the webserver should save to (e.g. /etc/nginx/sites-available for nginx).
webserver_config: The webserver configuration file (e.g. /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for nginx).
shared_config: A config file which will be included in each virtual host configuration. This file don’t needs to be exists since it will be created/overridden on each daemon start/restart.
upstream_config: A config file for nginx which contains an upstream passed to the proxy_pass option. This file don’t needs to be exists since it will be created/overridden on each daemon start/restart.
routers: An array of hosts. These hosts will be written in the upstream_config file.