This project simulates a 7-degree-of-freedom (7-DOF) robotic arm using the Gymnasium framework and the Mujoco physics engine. The setup includes a customized push task environment, where the robotic arm interacts with a golf ball and a target.
To run this project, ensure you have the following software installed:
- Python version 3.9 or above
The following libraries are required:
- Gymnasium + Gymnasium Robotics: For environment creation and interaction with agents.
- Mujoco: For physics-based simulations involving robotics.
- NumPy: For numerical operations and data management.
Install the necessary libraries using pip:
pip install gymnasium[robotics] mujoco numpy - base script adapted from MujocoRobotEnv from gymnasium-robotics to build our PushingBallEnv environment with Mujoco simulator - Defines our custom simulation environment PushingBallEnv() using Gymnasium This file defines the learning agent using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). It includes the neural network architecture and the agent class that performs action selection, policy evaluation, and network updates. This is the setup script that integrates the learning agent with the simulation environment. It configures the environment, runs training episodes, and visualizes the results. : This is the setup script that trains our environment with the stable baselines3 PPO agent. - Tests our trained policy in the simulation environment to evaluate performance, visualize rewards and track success rate. - Test a policy trained using stable-baseslines3 PPO on the simulation environment
trained_policy_densenonrandom_1000.pth - our custom policy - stable_baselines policy
To run the project:
Ensure all dependencies are installed.
Navigate to the directory containing the Python files.
Run the script to register the environment, set up the learning agent, and train the agent using PPO.
This will simulate the robotic arm pushing the ball towards the target using a trained policy. The simulation runs for a specified number of episodes, with policy updates based on the PPO algorithm. Key Features
Implements a 7-DOF robotic arm using the Mujoco engine for high-fidelity physics simulation.
Uses Gymnasium for environment management and agent interactions.
Integrates a PPO-based learning agent for robust and stable training.
Visualizes training performance with plots of total rewards, policy loss, value loss, and total loss over time.