Prerequisites: Install NodeJS v20.10.0 and NPM 10.4.0
npm install
# Sample .env
# AWS S3 credentials
AWS_S3_KEY = "AK**************W5"
AWS_S3_SECRET = "m***********************Dd"
AWS_S3_BUCKET = "xpense-tracker-app"
# forget password mail service credentials - mailjet API
MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC = "8a*************************c0"
MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE = "36*****************************c1"
FP_SENDER_EMAIL = "anujeet***"
# DB credentials
DB_HOST = "database-1.**********"
DB_USERNAME = "*************"
DB_PASSWORD = "*************"
DB_NAME = "chatapp"
# Sentry configuration
DSN = "https://5*****************cafca75@o45*****************************76"
# Application port
APP_PORT = "4000"
# JWT and CRYPT secret for encryption
TOKEN_SECRET = "a*************************************************************************************07a0"
CRYPT_SECRET = "13**************************************************************************************95"
# List of accepted origins for CORS
ACCEPTED_ORIGINS = '["http://localhost",""]'
//Inside app.js: uncomment below
await sequelize.sync({force: true});
npm start