Human-friendly taxonomy for file types. Zero dependencies.
List of mime types sourced from MDN.
npm i human-filetypes
The module exports two main operations fromMime()
and fromExtension()
import { fromMime, fromExtension } from 'human-filetypes'
converts a MIME type identifier to a human-redable file kind.
const assert = require('assert')
assert.equal(fromMime('image/png'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromMime('image/webp'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromMime('application/pdf'), 'document')
assert.equal(fromMime('application/msword'), 'document')
assert.equal(fromMime('image/jpeg'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromMime('video/mpeg'), 'video')
assert.equal(fromMime('video/webm'), 'video')
assert.equal(fromMime('text/javascript'), 'text')
assert.equal(fromMime('application/json'), 'text')
assert.equal(fromMime('text/csv'), 'spreadsheet')
assert.equal(fromMime('application/zip'), 'archive')
converts a file extension or a filename to a human-redable file kind.
assert.equal(fromExtension('.png'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.webp'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.gif'), 'image')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.pdf'), 'document')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.docx'), 'document')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.mp4'), 'video')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.webm'), 'video')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.json'), 'text')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.exe'), 'application')
assert.equal(fromExtension('.zip'), 'archive')
The following taxonomy is used:
File Kind | Description | Examples |
image |
Image file | .png , .gif , .webp |
video |
Video file | .mp4 , .webm |
audio |
Audio file | .mp3 , .wav |
archive |
Archive file | .zip , .tar , .tar.gz |
document |
Text Document | .pdf , .docx , .odt |
spreadsheet |
Spreadsheet | .xlsx , .csv , .tsv |
presentation |
Presentation | .ppt , .pptx , .odp |
font |
Font package | .ttf , .otf , .woff2 |
text |
Plain text file | .txt , .html , .json |
application |
Executable/application package | .exe , .jar , .swf |
unknown |
Unknown | - |
File kinds are also available to import as an enum
import { FileKind } from 'human-filetypes'
assert.equal(fromExtension('.zip'), FileKind.Archive)
In addition, we provide reverse operations getMimeTypes()
and getExtensions()
returns the list of known mime types for a given file kind.
getMimeTypes('image') // ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', ...]
getMimeTypes('audio') // ['audio/midi', 'audio/x-midi', 'audio/mpeg', ...]
getMimeTypes('video') // ['video/mp4', 'video/mpeg', 'video/ogg', ...]
getMimeTypes('document') // ['application/pdf', 'application/rtf', ...]
getMimeTypes('font') // ['font/ttf', 'font/woff', ...]
getMimeTypes('text') // ['text/css', 'application/html', ...]
getMimeTypes('application') // ['application/octet-stream', 'application/java-archive', ...]
getMimeTypes('archive') // ['application/gzip', 'application/x-tar', ...]
returns the list of known extensions for a given file kind.
getExtensions('image') // ['png', 'jpeg', ...]
getExtensions('audio') // ['mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', ...]
getExtensions('video') // ['mp4', 'mpeg', 'ogv', ...]
getExtensions('document') // ['docx', 'pdf', ...]
getExtensions('font') // ['ttf', 'woff', ...])
getExtensions('text') // ['css', 'txt', 'csh', ...]
getExtensions('application') // ['bin', 'exe', 'dll', ...]
getExtensions('archive') // ['zip', 'rar', ...]
human-filetypes is Free and Open Source Software. Issues and pull requests are more than welcome!