My apps for Yandex Mobile Contest 2016.
Application which allows count squats done using Accelerometer sensor or manually by taping button.
What I used:
- RxJava/RxAndroid to build in-app architecture, deal with sensor and backpressure.
- Dagger2 to connect app parts
- Butterknife for simple viewbindings
- Realm to store trainings
Application which allows to listen streaming internet radio from radio stations agregator It include radionstation list and simple mediaplayer implementation. Mediaplayer running in Service so you can listen to radio when app is hidden. Communications between service and UI layer are made using simple RxBus.
What I used:
- RxJava/RxAndroid to build in-app architecture
- Dagger2 to connect app parts
- Butterknife for simple viewbindings
- Retrofit for comfy work with REST
Application provides image recognition for road signs. I used CraftAR Cloud recognition API, but free plans only allows upload 20 images as recognize models so actually app can recognize with 90% accuracy only 2 types of signs, other ones can be recognized in 20-40% cases. Build using MVP Clean Architecture design pattern.
What I used:
- Butterknife for simple viewbindings
- Retrofit for comfy work with REST
Application with Augmented Reality which allow you to know if it is any restaurant or other food place in building.
What I used:
- RxJava/RxAndroid to build in-app architecture, deal with sensor and backpressure.
- Butterknife for simple viewbindings
- Retrofit for comfy work with REST