An in-browser WebSocket message bus for NATS applications
npm install --save vue-nats
// in src/main.js
import vueNats from 'vue-nats';
Vue.use(vueNats, {
url: 'ws://<nats-websocket-relay>:8080',
json: true, // use JSON data payload
reconnect: true, // always reconnect
maxReconnectAttempts: -1, // retry forever
reconnectTimeWait: 1000 // try to reconnect every second
// in Vue component
export default {
name: 'hello-nats',
mounted() {
// publish an event every second
setInterval(() => {
this.$nats.publish('events.server-5387', {
cpu: 56,
memory: 512,
}, 1000);
// subscribe to all server IDs
this.$nats.subscribe('events.*', (event) => {
console.log('Server reading:', event);
This library is compatible with all the API methods in node-nats.
To test vue-nats
, you need to connect to a NATS server using a Websocket-to-TCP relay such as nats-relay or ws-tcp-relay.
You can use Docker to run the gnatsd
server and the Websockets-to-TCP
# launch the gnatsd server
docker run -it --name=nats --rm -d -p 4222:4222 -p 8222:8222 nats -D -m 8222
# launch the relay
docker run -it --name=relay --rm -d -p 8080:8080 aaguilar/nats-relay -p 8080 nats://nats:4222
# then configure vue-nats to connect to the relay
Vue.use(vueNats, { url: 'ws://', json: true });