creates an mpd-client based on the react-js framework
I am planning to port this to react-native, to use it as an android-client But first make it work as an ordinary web-client!
dependencies: uses MPD.js, available on MPD.js is dependent on Websockify and Websockify's websock library
uses the following react-tools (to be installed using npm): "fdmg-ts-react-image-button": "^1.0.23", "react-event-observer": "^0.5.11", "react-image": "^1.3.1", "react-simpletabs": "^0.7.0", "react-sticky-el": "^1.0.16",
This implementation of mpd-client is based on the following assumptions:
- organize the files as albums in directories.
- only play albums, no playlists or separate songs.
- make it easy to add or remove albums from queue
Album-art can be displayed. But because it is not native supported in mpd, I have used a workaround:
- every directory with an album contains the file folder.jpg, with the album-art for the album involved.
- this is avaliable using a webserver, in my case on port 8081