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Interactive visualisation of non-motorised commuter types in US cities. Code outline:
Three Wikipedia pages are scraped and parsed.
- Libraries and tools: Beautifulsoup, Regular expressions, urllib, Streamlit
Data is cleaned and merged with geographical data provided by
- Geographical locations are required for visualisation
- missing data is filled, different naming conventions are corrected
- cleaned data is stored to improve speed in future use
- Libraries and tools: Pandas
Data is visualised in interactive choropleth map.
- Choropleth map of US is initialised with reference marker
- Scatter markers are added for commuter types given by user input
- Libraries and tools: Plotly
Data is visualised in stacked bar plot.
- appearance and annotations are customised
- Libraries and tools: Matplotlib
Data is shown in tabular form
Correlation of data is shown
- Libraries and tools: Seaborn
Interactive features are added with Streamlit
Code is deployed with Heroku