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This repository contains the ROS hardware interface, control and robot description components of the Nemesis Robot project. A high level overview of the project can be found in this post

It is an adaptation of the Husky ROS stack from Clearpath Robotics, to integrate and control the PiBorg Monsterborg robot platform with ROS, based on ROS Kinetic.

Forked from: commit

It includes a ROS hardware_interface::RobotHW implementation, linked with a cythonized version of the original python ThunderBorg motor controller driver from PiBorg for the purpose of reducing performance overhead in the main ROS control loop.

It is used in conjunction with a related project repository which provides prerception, tracking & mapping and experimental move_base setup on ROS Melodic. antoan/nemesis_core.

  • nemesis_base : includes a hardware_interface::RobotHW implementation.
  • nemesis_control : Control configuration
  • nemesis_description : Robot description (URDF)
  • nemesis_msgs : Message definitions
  • nemesis_viz : Visualization (rviz) configuration