AWS Exporter Usage
AWSExporter extracts configuration information about resources you create in AWS into an Excel file.
🔧 Installation
Download aws-exporter-3.0.0-RELEASE-full.jar to your local path and run install
$ java -jar aws-exporter-3.0.0-RELEASE-full.jar
📁 Program Structure
Your path -
|- aws-exporter-3.0.0-RELEASE-full.jar
|- startAWSExporter.bat (created at install)
|- lib (created at install)
|- conf (created when running startAWSExport.bat)
|- env.bat
|- awsExporter.data
|- exports (created at export)
▶️ Running Program
$ startAWSExporter.bat
📝 Output Excel File
Output file will be create in exports directory.
Output File Naming Format :
[Access Name][Region Name] AWSExport-[Export time].xlsx
✔️ Support AWS Services
- Subnet
- Route Table
- Internet Gateway
- Egress Only Internet Gateway
- NAT Gateway
- Customer Gateway
- VPN Gateway
- VPN Connection
- Security Group
- EC2 Instance
- EBS Volume
- ElasticLoadBalancer (ALB, NLB, CLB)
- ElastiCache
- Key Management Service
- Certificate Manager
- Simple Storage Service
- Direct Connect Connection
- Direct Connect Location
- Virtual Gateway
- Virtual Interface
- Direct Connect Gateway
- Directory Service