This webpage is an interactive Vintage Game Inventory. User will be able to view an inventory of games, as well as add unique games to the inventory.
User will go to form and enter information about a unique "game". Said game can have up to 5 different fields, including: Game Title, Price, In Stock, New/Used & Rarity.
User is required to add input for the following fields: Game Title, Price & In Stock. If user fails to do so, an error will pop up informing user what went wrong.
Once form is filled out with at least required info, user can click "Submit" button beneath form in order to add unique game to Inventory.
If form is filled out and user would like to clear form items before submitting, user can click on "Reset" button beneath form.
Once new items have been submitted to the Inventory, user will be able to remove said item or update the "In Stock" field of specific item. User can do so by clicking either "Remove" or "Update" button beneath specific item.