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Repo for programs, apps. See the repo.
Words Replacer: Ctrl+H on steroids. Make a range of word/phrase replacements on a text sequentially.
Table un-pivot: Convert "wide" or pivoted chart (which is human-friendly) to "narrow" or linear table (which is machine-friendly and workable for visualizations, calculations).
Offline Form : An example of a form in a standalone webpage that saves the submitted data as a local CSV file in your downloads folder. Good for situations where you have to take registrations and have slow or no internet. Works in Google Chrome, Chromium/Iron browser; not in Firefox as of now. Later you can combine the CSV files via commands.
Windows : copy *.csv all.txt
Ubuntu: for f in *.csv; do cat "$f" >> all.txt; echo "">> all.txt; done
Self-referencing CSV to Hierarchical JSON converter : for visualizing tabular data that has nested hierarhcies with rows having parent-child configurations.
Map Printer Print large-size maps
Pune ward map shapefiles Collection of ward maps of Pune old and new
Synchronized Maps : Pune Prabhags Side-by-side comparison of maps from pre-2012, 2012-17, and 2017-onwards
Collecting data online on a map-enabled form Using mapbox javascript api without server, map-based form submitting data to a mapbox dataset and displaying data collected so far.
Playback of GPS data of multiple buses
bangalore-landuse-existingVproposed.html : Bangalore Dec2017 Existing vs Proposed Land Use Maps side-by-side comparison, overlaid over web map. Maps georeferenced by Arun Ganesh, Datameet.
Overlap-custom side-by-side : Overlay one or two georeferenced raster images layer on top of a web map, zoom and fade in/out. Great for comapring development plans, comparing with present day satellite imagery etc.
Pune Development Plan overlays : Geo-referenced pdfs of Pune Development Plan maps overlaid over interactive web map
kmlcreate - Create KML shapefiles from lat-long strings collectd in ODK form data]
Simple location picker like Ola/Uber where you move the map around and the marker is the map's center.
Draw : Draw shapes on a map, and then export your work in geojson shapefile format.
leaflet-painting : Using leaflet tech to make zoomable maps of large images. Can be used for curating, digital tours of art pieces or any image which is large in size but has intricate details. See other images also tiled: babel, egnazio, ajantacave, amirHamza, benares, hydcarpet, nasaxdf, qutub minar, taj mahal, peshwai : Leaflet map with background map tiles created by folks at, having Indian national boundaries as accepted by govt of India
Self-referencing table to Hierarchical JSON converter A JS tool for converting flat tables to hierarchical JSON. I created and used this to create the data the fed into the visualizations below.
Pune Budget 2016-17 Expenditures at a Glance Interactive Sunburst visualisation of Pune's Budget document, 2016-17
Pune Budget 2016-17 Expenditures in collapsible tables Pune's 2016-17 budget data in tabular form with collapsible levels
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