Python 3.6.x
Initialise a virtual environment and install dependencies from requirements.txt
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Locate the "Project Structure" menu in Preferences and set src/
as a source folder.
Not doing so may lead to errors in the import statements.
Make sure there is no process running on port 5000. Use lsof -i :5000
to check if this is the case.
$ cd tagging_tool/
$ python3
Tool accessible from localhost:5000.
Set up Flask by running the following:
cd src/
flask run
This runs the Flask backend on localhost:5000.
In a separate terminal, run:
cd demo/
npm install
npm run
Your browser should open and point to localhost:3000.