My Mind is a web application for creating and managing Mind maps. It is free to use and you can fork its source code. It is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
New to Mind maps? They are useful, aesthetic and cool! Read more about these special diagrams in the Wikipedia article.
- Official web page
- Sample mind map showcasing many features
- News / Changelog
- Documentation
Note: there is also an online version, which can be found at
- Download the zip by clicking here and extract the archive, or clone the repository using git
- Put the app somewhere where it is accessible via your local webserver
- Open it using a
URL Open index.html in your webbrowsercurrently not working
- Open it using a
- Done! If need be, you can find the manual here
Clone this repo
Change the defaults in the Caddyfile to match your needs ie: the user and the hashed password - default: test and test, and the file name the .mymind will be saved as - default: My Mind Map.mymind
docker build -t caddymindmap .
docker run --name=caddymindmap --restart always -d -p 8000:80 -v /<Path to this repo>/:/srv -v caddy_data:/data caddymindmap
Go to http://(YOUR IP HERE):8000 and away you go
Provided CaddyHashDockerfile can be used to generate a password for the Caddyfile just change "test" to your new password and it will create a new hashed password for your use that you would then put in place of the default hash.
Like so: docker build -f CaddyHashDockerfile -t caddyhash .
the hash will be part of the build output
In the "save as" select the webdav and for the save location input the address for the current server ex: if you chose
above when you built the image
In the 'open' select the webdav and for the load location input the address for the current server ex: if you chose you chose in caddyfile)
above when you built the image, then you can bookmark the resulting address at the top to always have it accessible
Do you want to participate?
- Found a bug? Open an issue.
- Not sure how to do stuff? Check the docs.
- Have a feature request? Open an issue.
- Have an improvement? Submit a pull request.