There is my repo for implementing APIOps with a GH repo and AzDO pipelines
You will need to create a new client_id and secret on an existing or new service principal.
Here is the command to create the new service principal
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name myServicePrincipalName1 --role reader --scopes /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/myRG1
Create variables for each of these items in the AzDO variable group:
Secret Name Description AZURE_CLIENT_ID The client id of the service principal AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret of the service principal AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The subscription id of the APIM resource AZURE_TENANT_ID The tenant id of the service principal Variable Name Description APIM_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the APIM instance to migrate from RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group the APIM instance is in