microtunnel-client is an axios based library to enable post-quantum protected communication between apps (it must be used with microtunnel-server). You can send any JSON-serializable data. It also uses supersphincs for app authentication, kyber-crystals for asymmetric encryption and symcryptor for symmetric encryption.
npm i microtunnel-client
First, you have to create app credentials and save them in a json file. Enter in module path typing cd path-to-your-project/node-modules/microtunnel-client
and then run npm run -s cred-generate > ../../appCred.json
to save the credentials in your project root.
// appCred.json
// Supersphincs keys base-64 encoded
"publicKey": "rPyoqSZrNNUVpjKdhGLDD4sjXd8lgIgnRBY2NP5n8PDDLSvoLoD5n4GjaxbAfSDjagBjN8zztUQTNG1EKO9IgpgTLkfkTkhWqdgkC/K3EQLh6AMCZ8snlnles2QrbHAy",
"privateKey": "FKQ243eKoZ1zAdfXfGkzjcONsFwXbb2YliwoFSMFjNSs/KipJms01RWmMp2EYsMPiyNd3yWAiCdEFjY0/mfw8MkQY9Orp5MsbUAf54jM1iUhvEhaUJceqTG92ibMdu914IaJsN5+3hKHhAZ1o+dtspIY09zuZKNe48hEjlLwjg3DLSvoLoD5n4GjaxbAfSDjagBjN8zztUQTNG1EKO9IgpgTLkfkTkhWqdgkC/K3EQLh6AMCZ8snlnles2QrbHAy",
// Random bytes base-64 encoded for ID
"agent": "vwoA1JzkT6d7SXjIBoZ2egYlSn6Ajzge"
Then you have to create a JSON file containing servers info. In this example we have two apps named backEnd
and sessions
// authServers.json
"backEnd": {
"url": "",
"publicKey": "X67kzs9zrKfbayvF5SIsulZzfUYHeTm6BoFTD/BWiryIcOWcaR8d6M4LpaOylCi4DqY59ABNt1nNnfFZjG4akE4hcKaMyx5ar9Uds2Op687uecLGWb0n6W+voSDKzMS8",
"agent": "285gWsTqj3Gza+3AxJn1qrWzAvf/Lf5i"
"sessions": [
"url": "",
"publicKey": "rPyoqSZrNNUVpjKdhGLDD4sjXd8lgIgnRBY2NP5n8PDDLSvoLoD5n4GjaxbAfSDjagBjN8zztUQTNG1EKO9IgpgTLkfkTkhWqdgkC/K3EQLh6AMCZ8snlnles2QrbHAy",
"agent": "vwoA1JzkT6d7SXjIBoZ2egYlSn6Ajzge"
"url": "",
"publicKey": "UFOrl4Rtp/4sLvwsHG9bTBGQ9vf95L8WQJRvueRHKbOs+Hf2vRlVw/ZIF18vf1EV+q2voXYBAwE/uhPlH2IiAkFDC8p4vEr/4xQMl45U6Y8wfgJwjGNnUorD8z/AAyR2",
"agent": "zzgU2bYvR0mRREkDz+sqAMOGNDBX7XrW"
Then you can use it in your code:
const authReq = require( 'microtunnel-client' )( { appCredFile: './appCred.json', authServersFile: './authServers.json' } );
( async () => {
try {
let resp = await authReq.get( 'backEnd', '/page/2' );
console.log( resp );
resp = await authReq.post( 'sessions', '/another-route', { data: 'mydata' } );
console.log( resp );
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( err );
} )();
Optional - Root path for microtunnel (note: must be the same for servers) - Default'/microtunnel'
Optional - Axios timeout for each requestappCredFile
Optional - Relative path of the credentials file - Default: enviroment varAPP_CRED
Optional - Relative path of the autherized clients file - Default: enviroment varAUTH_SRVS
Optional - Replace default Mozilla wellknowed CA with your custom CA as result offs.readFileSync( './ca.cert' )
authReq.get( serverName: String, serverPath: String )
Required - The name of the server as written in authServers.jsonserverPath
Required - The path of the server you want to fetch
Decrypted JSON parsed data from server when Promise
resolved else throw an Error
authReq.post( serverName: String, serverPath: String, obj )
Required - The name of the server as written in authServers.jsonserverPath
Required - The path of the server you want to fetchobj
Required - The data you want to send. It must be JSON serializable
Decrypted JSON parsed data from server when Promise
resolved else throw an Error