This is a TypeScript library for interacting with Spire using the SPIFFE framework. More details here
There are 3 projects,
A package library that can be imported into TypeScript projects Supported Spire APIs
WorkloadAPI (Spire Agent Public APIs)
- FetchX509SVID
- FetchX509Bundles
- FetchJWTBundles
- ValidateJWTSVID
Entry (Spire Server Admin APIs)
- BatchCreateEntry
DelegatedIdentity (Spire Agent Admin APIs)
A NestJS based service (workload) that integrates into an OKTA IdP for user authentication, which can create Spire Users (SpiffeId) and issue Spire JWTs to use against other services (workloads). Integration into Spire is based on spiffe-typescript library
A NestJS based service (workload) that authenticates against Spire using JWT SVID. Integration into Spire is based on spiffe-typescript library
A NestJS based service (workload) that is designed to be accessed by other services using mTLS issued by Spire. Integration into Spire is based on spiffe-typescript library
To communicate to the agent sock, both the caller and agent must be in the same group or share the same userid
For the agent to communicate to the docker socket, it must run as a root user (0:0) and maybe run privileged
Further setup specifics
Demo API based Service
Demo user based Service
OIDC based Interface between OKTA and SPIFFE
TypeScript SDK for Spiffe
graph LR
linkStyle default fill:#ffffff
subgraph diagram [System Landscape]
style diagram fill:#ffffff,stroke:#ffffff
1["<div style='font-weight: bold'>User</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Person]</div>"]
style 1 fill:#08427b,stroke:#052e56,color:#ffffff
2("<div style='font-weight: bold'>OKTA</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Software System]</div>")
style 2 fill:#1168bd,stroke:#0b4884,color:#ffffff
5("<div style='font-weight: bold'>FI</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Software System]</div>")
style 5 fill:#1168bd,stroke:#0b4884,color:#ffffff
1-. "<div>(1) Passes authenticated OKTA<br />JWT (TLS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->5
5-. "<div>SPIFFE JWT SVID</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->1
1-. "<div>Authenticates</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->2
2-. "<div>OKTA JWT</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->1
graph LR
linkStyle default fill:#ffffff
subgraph diagram [FI - Containers]
style diagram fill:#ffffff,stroke:#ffffff
1["<div style='font-weight: bold'>User</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Person]</div>"]
style 1 fill:#08427b,stroke:#052e56,color:#ffffff
subgraph 5 [FI]
style 5 fill:#ffffff,stroke:#0b4884,color:#0b4884
17("<div style='font-weight: bold'>Demo User API</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Container]</div>")
style 17 fill:#438dd5,stroke:#2e6295,color:#ffffff
21("<div style='font-weight: bold'>Demo Service API</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Container]</div>")
style 21 fill:#438dd5,stroke:#2e6295,color:#ffffff
6("<div style='font-weight: bold'>Spire Server</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Container]</div>")
style 6 fill:#438dd5,stroke:#2e6295,color:#ffffff
7("<div style='font-weight: bold'>Spire Agent</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Container]</div>")
style 7 fill:#438dd5,stroke:#2e6295,color:#ffffff
9("<div style='font-weight: bold'>OIDC</div><div style='font-size: 70%; margin-top: 0px'>[Container]</div>")
style 9 fill:#438dd5,stroke:#2e6295,color:#ffffff
7-. "<div>push x509 identity</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->9
1-. "<div>(1) Passes authenticated OKTA<br />JWT (TLS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->9
9-. "<div>(2) Creates Spiffe Entry for<br />OKTA user (mTLS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->6
9-. "<div>(3) Gets JWT SVID for OKTA<br />user (UDS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->7
9-. "<div>SPIFFE JWT SVID</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->1
1-. "<div>Passes JWT SVID (TLS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->17
17-. "<div>validates JWT SVID (UDS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->7
7-. "<div>push x509 identity (UDS)</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->17
7-. "<div>push x509 identity (UDS)'</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->21
17-. "<div>mTLS using x509 SVID</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->21
7-. "<div>Mints JWT/X509 SVID</div><div style='font-size: 70%'></div>" .->6
Term | Meaning |
UDS | Unix Domain Socket |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
mTLS | Mutual TLS |
SVID | Spiffe Verifiable Identity Document |
JWT | JSON Web Token |
X509 | Identity and Public Key |