Small opinionated WSGI request dispatcher. Influenced by Flask.
Works using path segments instead of more common regex matching (RFC 3986 path segment parameters are not supported)
Path variables are by default defined using RFC 6570 level 1 Start and optional end markers are customizable. Path variable types are defined using python typing information. Customizable, types supported out-of-box: bool, int, str, uuid.UUID.
WSGI environ wrapper can passed to handler if there is parameter with type Request. No global variables/threadlocals. Request body and query string binding is also supported, using generic types Body and Query.
Supports overlapping path segments: zero or more literal segments can overlap with one parameter definition. Parameters of different type and/or name in same position are not supported. Literal segment takes precedence.
Route decorators for HTTP methods DELETE, GET, PATCH, POST, PUT.
Response compression. By default enabled for application/json. Configurable compression level.
def literal():
def parameterized(variable: str):
Multiple routes can point to same handler:
@router.get('/abc', defaults={'variable': None})
def with_optional_parameter(variable: Optional[str]):
Content negotiation:
@router.get('/get', produces='application/json')
def get() -> dict:
return {'field': 'value'}'/post', consumes='application/json')
def post_with_json(req: Request) -> Tuple[int]:
data = req.json
return 204,
Query string and request body binding:
@router.get('/get', produces='application/json')
def get(query: Query[dict]) -> dict:
return query'/post', consumes='application/json')
def post_with_json(data: Body[dict]) -> Tuple[int]:
# do something with data
return 204,
Handler return type handling:
Type | Description |
tuple | shortcut for returning status code and optional result + headers |
None | allowed for status codes which have no content |
dict | application/json |
str | defined by optional Content-Type header. When header is missing, taken from config.default_str_content_type, by default text/plain;charset=utf-8 |
bytes | defined by required Content-Type header |
dataclass | application/json, but overridable by custom result handler |
typing.GeneratorType | passed as is |
Cache control for responses:
@router.get('/no-store', cache_control=CacheControl.no_store)
def no_store() -> dict:
return {'a': 1}
@router.get('/store', cache_control=CacheControl.of(max_age=600, private=False))
def store() -> dict:
return {'a': 1}
WsgiAppConfig class
Task | Action |
Want to use another json library or configure value types serialized / deserialized | Override json_serializer / json_deserializer |
Change maximum length of accepted request body | Set value of max_request_content_length |
Change default content type for str returned | Change value of default_str_content_type |
Add authorization | Set before_request hook handler, use route options to define roles. See sample |
Handle more return types | Add entry of tuple[matcher, handler] to result_converters or override custom_result_handler |
Validate/convert query string and request body | Use Query and Body generics with value class in handler and override binder |
Customize error handling | Override error_handler |
Disable response compression | set compress_level to 0 |
Enable response compression for more cases | Update compress_content_types and/or override can_compress_result |
Configure compression level | Set value of compress_level (0-9 or -1, see zlib documentation) |
PathRouter class
Task | Action |
Change parameter markers | Change value of path_parameter_start and path_parameter_end |
Add new path parameter type | Add new class inherited from PathParameter into parameter_types |
$ pip install wsgirouter3