This extension requires F#5
F#5 is still in preview and has a nasty bug that freezes autocompletion
fsharp-interactive-datascience is a lightweight visualization tool to assist during data exploration and prototyping. In combination with ionide, VSCode becomes a very capable F# IDE for data science.
- Register "rich output" printers to FSI
- Render plotly charts, latex expressions, SVG plots, HTML fragments, Markdown and text cells
- Export Notebooks to HTML
- F# Notebook+DataScience: Open Panel
- F# Notebook+DataScience: Export Panel
- F# Notebook+DataScience: Clear Panel
- fsharpnotebook.styles: A list of CSS style sheets to use in notebooks.
- fsharpnotebook.exportStyles: A list of CSS style sheets to use when exporting notebooks.
Configure Ionide-fsharp
Install F# 5:
Locate where fsharp-interactive-datascience extension is installed:
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
Edit VSCode settings.json
in the current workspace:
"FSharp.fsiExtraParameters": [
Open the notebook panel with the command Ctrl+Alt+P > "F# Notebook+DataScience: Open Panel"
You can now start coding in an *.fsx file.
Tip: Alt+Enter will execute the current line
// Ctrl+Alt+P : F# Notebook: Open Panel
// display markdown
Notebook.Markdown """
# Hello, Markdown!
Notebook.Markdown @"This is cool $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$ isn't it"
// display primitive values
Notebook.Text (1+1)
// display dataframes
#r "nuget: Microsoft.Data.Analysis"
open Microsoft.Data.Analysis
let locations, alcohol =
|> (fun row -> row.Location, row.Alcohol)
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.unzip
let df = new DataFrame(
new StringDataFrameColumn("location", locations),
new PrimitiveDataFrameColumn<decimal>("consumption", alcohol)
Notebook.DataFrame df
// display plotly chart
open XPlot.Plotly
open FSharp.Data
let marginWidth = 50.0
let margin = Margin(l = marginWidth, r = marginWidth, t = marginWidth, b = marginWidth)
type AlcoholConsumption = CsvProvider<"">
let consumption = AlcoholConsumption.Load("")
let locations = consumption.Rows |> (fun r -> r.Location)
let z = consumption.Rows |> (fun r -> r.Alcohol)
let map =
Chart.Plot([ Choropleth(locations = locations, locationmode = "country names", z = z, autocolorscale = true) ])
|> Chart.WithLayout(Layout(title = "Alcohol consumption", width = 700.0, margin = margin, geo = Geo(projection = Projection(``type`` = "mercator"))))
Notebook.Plotly map
open Notebook
fsi.AddPrinter(fun (data : YourType) ->
... // Format to string
|> SVG // or HTML or Markdown or Text
|> printerNotebook
let x = new YourType() // this will automatically print x in the notebook panel
Pablo Belin was the first author of this extension