FsMocks is an object mocking library written in F#. It is actually a wrapper around Rhino.Mocks 3.6 that simplifies mocking with F#. The API is simple and straightforward because it uses a human-friendly DSL syntax. It can be combined with other test frameworks (NUnit, xUnit, FsUnit, etc.)
Get the latest package here. This package is compiled against F# 3.0. If you wish to use F# 3.1, download and compile the source code.
This sample creates a new IList and expects calls to the methods Add() and Clear(), in any order, but with some constraints.
open System.Collections
open FsMocks.Syntax
// create mock object and repository
use mock = new FsMockRepository() // use the keyword 'let' instead of 'use' if you don't want automatic verification (But why would you want that anyway?)
let mylist1:IList = mock.strict []
// define mock statements
mock.define Unordered {
~~ mylist1.Add "e" |> returns 2 |> expected once |> only_if_argument [Is.NotNull()]
~~ mylist1.Clear() |> expected twice
// run test.
mylist1.Add("another argument") |> should equal 2 // FsUnit syntax
// FsMocks will automatically verify expectations at the end of the test. The test will fail if any unexpected call was made
A mock definition can either be Unordered or Ordered. It takes a series of mock statements.
A mock statement begins with ~~
, followed by the call or property to mock, followed by mock directives:
// the call is expected twice
~~ o.call() |> expected twice
// the mock object will return 219 when this expectation is satisfied
~~ o.call("some arg") |> returns 219
// the call is expected only if it respects the given constraints
~~ o.call(arg) |> only_if_argument [Is.NotNull()]
// Property1 will be implemented as a simple get/set property
~~ o.Property1 |> implement_as_property
// the most powerful statement : the call is manually implemented
let myCustomClearImplementation() = System.Console.WriteLine("list cleared!!!")
~~ list.Clear() |> implement_as (new Action(myCustomClearImplementation))
// throws an exception whenever a method is called
~~ o.call() |> throws (new Exception("Something went wrong!!"))
// subscribe to an event and simulate an event
let b:Button = mock.strict []
let clickRaiser = mock.getEventRaiser(b.Click)
mock.define Ordered {
b.Click |> subscription expected once
b.Click |> Event.add (fun _ -> System.Console.WriteLine "clicked!" )
clickRaiser.Raise(b, new EventArgs()) // this prints "clicked!"
Mock directives can be combined in no particular order, except for the returns
directive which must be on the first position.
~~ o.Call(1) |> returns 1 |> only_if_argument [Is.NotNull()] |> expected at_least_once
Mock definitions can be nested:
let [<Fact>] ``1b) 2 Ordered nested in 1 Unordered``() =
// create mocks
use mock = new FsMockRepository()
let list:int IList = mock.strict []
// mock definition
mock.define Unordered {
mock.define Ordered {
~~ list.Add(1) |> expected once
~~ list.Add(2) |> expected once
mock.define Ordered {
~~ list.Add(3) |> expected twice
~~ list.Contains(5) |> returns true |> expected once
// run test
// verify expectations