The following repository contains a simple RESTful API, implemented using node.js, Express, and TypeScript.
To setup and run the server, clone the repository and execute the following commands in the base directory:
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ export GOOGLE_API_KEY=**insert api key here** # this step is optional, but without an API key the nearest endpoint will be prone to rate limiting
$ npm start
To run unit tests:
$ npm test
The API is used for finding the nearest coffee shop relative to a given address and has the following endpoints:
(Note: All of the below request examples use httpie.)
Accepts the name, address, latitude, and longitude of a cofee shop, and adds it to the data set, returning the id of the new coffee shop.
Endpoint: POST api/v1/shop
Data Params
- name: String
- address: String
- lat: float in the range [-90, 90]
- lng: float in the range [-180, 180]
(Note: all other parameters will be ignored)
Success Response:
- Code: 201 CREATED
Content: shop: json representation of saved shop object - will also include the id assigned by the server.
- Code: 201 CREATED
Error Response:
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Cause: Missing any of the required parameters, or lat/lng out of range.
- Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
$ http POST <URL>/api/v1/shops name='New Coffee Shop' address='100 Coffee St' lat=70 lng=-100.10
"message": "success",
"shop": {
"address": "100 Coffee St",
"id": 57,
"lat": 70,
"lng": -100.1,
"name": "New Coffee Shop"
$ http POST <URL>/api/v1/shops name='New Coffee Shop' address='100 Coffee St' lat=170 lng=-100.10
"message": "lat must be between -90 and 90",
Accepts an id and returns the id, name, address, latitude, and longitude of the coffee shop with that id, or a 404 error if it is not found.
GET api/v1/shops/:id
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
- Code: 200 OK
Error Response:
- Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Cause: Specified :id does not exist.
- Code: 404 NOT FOUND
$ http GET <URL>/api/v1/shops/10
"message": "success",
"shop": {
"address": "1 Ferry Building Ste 7",
"id": 10,
"lat": 37.79590475625579,
"lng": -122.39393759555746,
"name": "Blue Bottle Coffee"
$ http GET <URL>/api/v1/shops/999999
"message": "Requested id not found"
Accepts an id and new values for the name, address, latitude, or longitude fields, updates the coffee shop with that id, or returns an appropriate error if it is not found.
PUT api/v1/shops/:id
Data Params
- name: String
- address: String
- lat: float in the range [-90, 90]
- lng: float in the range [-180, 180]
(Note: all other parameters will be ignored)
Success Response:
- Code: 204 OK, NO CONTENT
- Code: 204 OK, NO CONTENT
Error Response:
Cause: New lat/lng values out of range. -
Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Cause: Specified :id does not exist.
$ http PUT <URL>/api/v1/shops/10 address="New Address" lat=80 lng=-100.10
204, no content
$ http PUT <URL>/api/v1/shops/999999 address="New Address" lat=80 lng=-100.10
"message": "Requested id not found"
Accepts an id and deletes the coffee shop with that id, or returns an error if it is not found
DELETE api/v1/shops/:id
Success Response:
- Code: 204 OK, NO CONTENT
- Code: 204 OK, NO CONTENT
Error Response:
- Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Cause: Specified :id does not exist.
- Code: 404 NOT FOUND
$ http DELETE <URL>/api/v1/shops/10
204, no content
$ http DELETE <URL>/api/v1/shops/999999
"message": "Requested id not found"
Accepts an address and returns the closest coffee shop by straight line distance.
GET api/v1/nearest
Query Parameters:
address: String
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
Content:{ message: 'Success', address: String, shop: json representation of nearest shop object }
- Code: 200 OK
Error Response:
Cause: No address entered. -
Code: 404 NOT FOUND
Cause: Address server can't find valid lat/lng coordinates for the requested address. -
Cause: Failed to get a response from the geocoding server. (Note: this is mostly due to Google API rate-limiting, one can avoid this error by supplying the server with a Google API key)
$ http GET <URL>/api/v1/nearest?address='535 Mission St., San Francisco, CA'
"message": "Success",
"requestedAddress": "535 Mission St., San Francisco, CA",
"shop": {
"address": "111 Minna St",
"id": 16,
"lat": 37.78746242830388,
"lng": -122.39933341741562,
"name": "Red Door Coffee"
$ http GET <URL>/api/v1/nearest?address='252 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA'
"message": "Success",
"requestedAddress": "252 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA",
"shop": {
"address": "375 Valencia St",
"id": 28,
"lat": 37.76702438676065,
"lng": -122.42195860692624,
"name": "Four Barrel Coffee"
http localhost:3000/api/v1/nearest
"message": "Please specify an address."
http localhost:3000/api/v1/nearest?address=soiejfiosejgoisjgiosjgosijgsiogjsogjisoejkafhgijdoskdb
"message": "Address entered could not be found.",
"requestedAddress": "soiejfiosejgoisjgiosjgosijgsiogjsogjisoejkafhgijdoskdb"