Andrew Schwenke 29 October 2022
This is a small example workflow using the
warbleR and
RRaven packages. It takes a
WAVE file and Raven selection table as input, and returns one WAVE file
) for each selection, as well as one Raven selection table
file) per selection. The practice data (CC1_20171010_125500.wav)
is an audio recording taken at Cedar Creek, south-east Queensland,
Australia, and released by Andrew Schwenke under a CC BY 4.0 license.
# with no file tag added, set name from file to true, and provide upper or lower WAV extension format
rvn.dat.1 <-
imp_raven( = TRUE,
path = "data/typical/",
name.from.file = TRUE, = "lower"
# rename columns to use with warbler
rvn.dat.2 <-
rvn.dat.1 %>%
selec = Selection,
start = `Begin Time (s)`,
end = `End Time (s)`
# generate a selection table <- selection_table(rvn.dat.2, path = "data/typical/")
## checking selections (step 1 of 2):
check_sels(, path = "data/typical/")
## all selections are OK
Margin is the time in seconds to add to generated WAVE files before/after each selection. Margin = 0 would generate WAVEs that are exactly the length of the selection annotations.
margin <- 2
X =,
path = "data/typical/",
mar = margin,
dest.path = "output/cuts/typical"
# check if Delta time (s) exists
# create if it doesn't
# modify data frame to reflect what will be the new start and end times for each selection when the WAVE is split
if(!"Delta Time (s)" %in% colnames(rvn.dat.2))
rvn.dat.3 <-
rvn.dat.2 %>% dplyr::mutate(`Delta Time (s)` = end - start)
rvn.dat.4 <-
rvn.dat.3 %>% dplyr::mutate(start = 0 + margin,
end = (start + `Delta Time (s)`))
} else {
rvn.dat.4 <-
rvn.dat.2 %>% dplyr::mutate(start = 0 + margin,
end = (start + `Delta Time (s)`))
# list the cut WAVE files you generated
cut_wavs <-
list.files(path = "output/cuts/typical/", pattern = ".wav")
# generate selection tables
for (x in 1:length(rvn.dat.4$selec)){
exp_raven(X = rvn.dat.4[x,], path = "output/cuts/typical/", = cut_wavs[x])