This toolkit provides an user interface to create output formats for data objects based on different output channels. So it is possible to define, which attributes of a data objects should be printed in a certain output channel. An output data configuration consists of
- values = data object attributes
- operators = can combine, modify, calculate, ... values
After installing the bundle, a config file is located at /var/config/outputdataconfig/config.php
. In this config file available output channels can be configured as follows:
return [
"channels" => [
Output data configurations can be configured in an additional tab in the data object editor. There for each data object class and output channel an output output data configuration can be defined.
The output data configurations can be inherited along the data objects tree. The column Object ID shows from with data object the output data configuration is inherited from. By clicking overwrite, the editor opens and a new output data configuration can be configured.
The bundle provides a service class, with converts a Pimcore data object to an output data structure based on its ouput data configuration.
// returns the output data structure for the given product and the output channel productdetail_specification
$specificationOutputChannel = OutputDataConfigToolkitBundle\Service::getOutputDataConfig($product, "productdetail_specification");
//printing output channel in view script with view-helper
foreach($specificationOutputChannel as $property) {
$this->productListSpecification($property, $this->product);
A sample template helper see doc/ProductListSpecification.php
, the needed service configuration:
# Product Detail Specification Template Helper
class: AppBundle\Templating\Helper\ProductDetailSpecification
arguments: ['@translator', '@pimcore.locale.intl_formatter']
- { name: templating.helper, alias: productDetailSpecification }
- E-Commerce-Demo (
Create a Pimcore bundle and add following files:
- must be in namespace
- must implement
namespace OutputDataConfigToolkitBundle\ConfigElement\Operator;
class RemoveZero extends AbstractOperator {
public function __construct($config, $context = null) {
parent::__construct($config, $context);
public function getLabeledValue($object) {
$childs = $this->getChilds();
if($childs[0]) {
$value = $childs[0]->getLabeledValue($object);
$value->value = $value->value == 0 ? null : $value->value;
return $value;
return null;
- must be in namespace
- must extend
pimcore.bundle.outputDataConfigToolkit.outputDataConfigElements.operator.RemoveZero = Class.create(pimcore.bundle.outputDataConfigToolkit.outputDataConfigElements.Abstract, {
type: "operator",
class: "RemoveZero",
iconCls: "pimcore_icon_operator_remove_zero",
defaultText: "operator_remove_zero",
getConfigTreeNode: function(configAttributes) {
if(configAttributes) {
var node = {
draggable: true,
iconCls: this.iconCls,
text: t(this.defaultText),
configAttributes: configAttributes,
isTarget: true,
maxChildCount: 1,
expanded: true,
leaf: false,
expandable: false
} else {
//For building up operator list
var configAttributes = { type: this.type, class: this.class};
var node = {
draggable: true,
iconCls: this.iconCls,
text: t(this.defaultText),
configAttributes: configAttributes,
isTarget: true,
maxChildCount: 1,
leaf: true
return node;
getCopyNode: function(source) {
var copy = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
iconCls: this.iconCls,
text: t(this.defaultText),
isTarget: true,
leaf: false,
maxChildCount: 1,
expanded: true,
configAttributes: {
label: null,
type: this.type,
class: this.class
return copy;
getConfigDialog: function(node) {
commitData: function() {
- Change table name from
RENAME TABLE plugin_outputdataconfigtoolkit_outputdefinition TO bundle_outputdataconfigtoolkit_outputdefinition;
- Change namespace from
. - Removed key value support.
- Changed permission key to
, execute following SQL statement
UPDATE users_permission_definitions SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, 'plugin_outputDataConfigToolkit', 'bundle_outputDataConfigToolkit');
UPDATE users SET permissions = REPLACE(`permissions`, 'plugin_outputDataConfigToolkit', 'bundle_outputDataConfigToolkit');
- namespaces for custom operators and values changed from