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updated rng seeding for better consistency. Added a bash script to ru…
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ancorso committed Dec 14, 2023
1 parent ec820ef commit a643675
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Showing 5 changed files with 95 additions and 42 deletions.
28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions examples/geothermal_example.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ default(framestyle = :box, color_palette=:seaborn_deep6, fontfamily="Computer M

# Define random seeds
fix_solve_and_eval_seed = true # Whether the seed is set before each policy gen and evaluation. Seed is the eval index + test set. It is threadsafe.
pomdp_gen_seed = 0 # seed used to control the generation of the pomdps
split_by = :geo # Split the test set for ensuring unique :geo, :econ, or :both
pomdp_gen_seed = 1234 # seed used to control the generation of the pomdps
split_by = :both # Split the test set for ensuring unique :geo, :econ, or :both

# Can parse 1 command line argument for the split_by
if length(ARGS) > 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ pomdps, test_sets = create_pomdps(
rng=MersenneTwister(pomdp_gen_seed), # Set the pomdp random seed
rng_seed=pomdp_gen_seed, # Set the pomdp random seed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,16 +224,16 @@ elseif split_by == :econ
geo_fracs = alls
econ_fracs = fracs
elseif split_by == :both
geo_fracs = [fracs..., alls...]
econ_fracs = [alls..., fracs...]
geo_fracs = [fracs..., alls[1:end-1]...]
econ_fracs = [alls..., fracs[1:end-1]...]

zip_fracs = [(g,e) for (g, e) in zip(geo_fracs, econ_fracs)]
pomdps_per_geo, test_sets_per_geo = create_pomdps_with_different_training_fractions(zip_fracs, scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; rng=MersenneTwister(0), discount=discount_factor, split_by)
pomdps_per_geo, test_sets_per_geo = create_pomdps_with_different_training_fractions(zip_fracs, scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; rng_seed=pomdp_gen_seed, discount=discount_factor, split_by)

# Solve the policies and evaluate the results #<---- Uncomment the below lines to solve and eval the policies
results = Dict()
for (policy, pol_name) in zip(policies, policy_names)
for (policy, pol_name) in zip(policies[end:end], policy_names[end:end])
results[pol_name] = Dict(:geo_frac => [], :econ_frac => [], :results =>[])
for (frac, pomdps, test_sets) in zip(zip_fracs, pomdps_per_geo, test_sets_per_geo)
geo_frac, econ_frac = frac[1], frac[2]
Expand All @@ -246,13 +246,17 @@ end
JLD2.@save joinpath(savedir, "Nsamples_results.jld2") results

# Alternatively, load from file by uncommenting the following lines
# results = JLD2.load(joinpath(savedir, "Nstates_results.jld2"))["results"] # <---- Uncomment this line to load the results from file
# results = JLD2.load(joinpath(savedir, "Nsamples_results.jld2"))["results"] # <---- Uncomment this line to load the results from file

# Show how all metrics across all policies vary with number of subsurface realizations
savefig(joinpath(savedir, "subsurfaces_realizations_comparison.pdf"))
# train_states_comparison_summary(results)
# savefig(joinpath(savedir, "subsurfaces_realizations_comparison.pdf"))

# Print the same for just the reward for just one policy
reward_vs_ngeolgies(results["SARSOP Policy"], "SARSOP Policy")
savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_subsurface_realizations.pdf"))
# savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_subsurface_realizations.tex"))
savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_geological_realizations.pdf"))
# savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_geological_realizations.tex"))

reward_vs_necon(results["SARSOP Policy"], "SARSOP Policy")
savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_economic_realizations.pdf"))
# savefig(joinpath(savedir, "SARSOP_economic_realizations.tex"))
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@

echo "Determining the operating system..."

echo "Operating System detected: $os_name"

# Determine the number of CPU threads based on the operating system
if [ "$os_name" = "Linux" ]; then
elif [ "$os_name" = "Darwin" ]; then
# Darwin is the operating system name for macOS
num_threads=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
echo "Unsupported Operating System. Defaulting to 1 thread."

echo "Number of CPU threads available: $num_threads"

export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=$num_threads
echo "Setting Julia to use $JULIA_NUM_THREADS threads"

echo "Running Julia script with different arguments..."

# Run with first argument "geo"
julia1.9 examples/geothermal_example.jl both

# Run with second argument "econ"
julia1.9 examples/geothermal_example.jl geo

# Run with third argument "both"
julia1.9 examples/geothermal_example.jl econ

echo "Script execution completed."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/InfoGatheringPOMDPs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ include("metrics.jl")

export policy_results_summary, policy_comparison_summary, train_states_comparison_summary,
policy_sankey_diagram, trajectory_regret_metrics, generate_action_table, scenario_returns,
policy_comparison_table, pes_comparison, expected_loss_comparison, reward_vs_ngeolgies
policy_comparison_table, pes_comparison, expected_loss_comparison, reward_vs_ngeolgies, reward_vs_necon

57 changes: 35 additions & 22 deletions src/plotting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,30 +256,43 @@ function policy_comparison_table(policy_results, policy_names)

function train_states_comparison_summary(results)
p_reward = plot()
p_obs_cost = plot()
p_num_obs = plot()
p_correct_scenario = plot()
p_correct_gonogo = plot()
p_legend = plot(legend=false, grid=false, axis=false, ticks=nothing, border=:none, size=(800,400))

xlab = "No. Subsurface Realizations"

for (policy_name, pol_results) in results
plot!(p_reward, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:reward]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Discounted Reward", legend = false)
plot!(p_obs_cost, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:obs_cost]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Data Acquisition Cost", legend = false)
plot!(p_num_obs, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:num_obs]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Number of Data Acquisition Actions", legend = false)
plot!(p_correct_scenario, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:correct_scenario]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Correct Scenario", legend = false)
plot!(p_correct_gonogo, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:correct_gonogo]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Correct Go/NoGo", legend = false)
plot!(p_legend, [], [], label=policy_name, legend=:topleft)
plot(p_reward, p_obs_cost, p_num_obs, p_correct_scenario, p_correct_gonogo, p_legend, layout=(2,3),size=(1400,800), margin=5mm)
# function train_states_comparison_summary(results)
# p_reward = plot()
# p_obs_cost = plot()
# p_num_obs = plot()
# p_correct_scenario = plot()
# p_correct_gonogo = plot()
# p_legend = plot(legend=false, grid=false, axis=false, ticks=nothing, border=:none, size=(800,400))

# xlab = "No. Subsurface Realizations"

# for (policy_name, pol_results) in results
# plot!(p_reward, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:reward]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Discounted Reward", legend = false)
# plot!(p_obs_cost, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:obs_cost]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Data Acquisition Cost", legend = false)
# plot!(p_num_obs, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:num_obs]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Number of Data Acquisition Actions", legend = false)
# plot!(p_correct_scenario, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:correct_scenario]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Correct Scenario", legend = false)
# plot!(p_correct_gonogo, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:correct_gonogo]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Correct Go/NoGo", legend = false)
# plot!(p_legend, [], [], label=policy_name, legend=:topleft)
# end
# plot(p_reward, p_obs_cost, p_num_obs, p_correct_scenario, p_correct_gonogo, p_legend, layout=(2,3),size=(1400,800), margin=5mm)
# end

function reward_vs_ngeolgies(pol_results, policy_name; p=plot())
xlab = "No. Subsurface Realizations"
plot!(p, pol_results[:geo_frac]*250, [mean(r[:reward]) for r in pol_results[:results]], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Discounted Reward", legend = false, title=policy_name)
xlab = "No. Geological Realizations"
max_econ = maximum(pol_results[:econ_frac])
xs = 250*pol_results[:geo_frac][pol_results[:econ_frac] .== max_econ]
perm = sortperm(xs)
ys = [mean(r[:reward]) for (r, e) in zip(pol_results[:results], pol_results[:econ_frac]) if e == max_econ]
plot!(p, xs[perm], ys[perm], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Discounted Reward", legend = false, title=policy_name)

function reward_vs_necon(pol_results, policy_name; p=plot())
xlab = "No. Economic Realizations"
max_geo = maximum(pol_results[:geo_frac])
xs = 50*pol_results[:econ_frac][pol_results[:geo_frac] .== max_geo]
perm = sortperm(xs)
ys = [mean(r[:reward]) for (r, g) in zip(pol_results[:results], pol_results[:geo_frac]) if g == max_geo]
plot!(p, xs[perm], ys[perm], xlabel=xlab, ylabel="Mean Discounted Reward", legend = false, title=policy_name)

function generate_action_table(pomdp, var_desc)
Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/pomdp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ function parseCSV(

# Generate k folds of the data
function kfolds(states, nfolds; split_by=:geo, geo_train_frac = 1.0-1.0/nfolds, econ_train_frac = 1.0-1.0/nfolds, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
function kfolds(states, nfolds; split_by=:geo, geo_train_frac = 1.0-1.0/nfolds, econ_train_frac = 1.0-1.0/nfolds)
geo_indices = unique([s[:GeoID] for s in states])
econ_indices = unique([s[:EconID] for s in states])

shuffled_geo_indices = shuffle(rng, geo_indices)
shuffled_econ_indices = shuffle(rng, econ_indices)
shuffled_geo_indices = shuffle(geo_indices)
shuffled_econ_indices = shuffle(econ_indices)

Ngeo = length(shuffled_geo_indices)
Necon = length(shuffled_econ_indices)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,11 +286,12 @@ function POMDPs.gen(m::InfoGatheringPOMDP, s, a, rng)
return (;sp, o, r)

function create_pomdps(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by=:geo, Nsamples_per_bin=10, nfolds=5, geo_train_frac = 1.0 - 1.0/nfolds, econ_train_frac = 1.0 - 1.0/nfolds, discount=0.9, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
function create_pomdps(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by=:geo, Nsamples_per_bin=10, nfolds=5, geo_train_frac = 1.0 - 1.0/nfolds, econ_train_frac = 1.0 - 1.0/nfolds, discount=0.9, rng_seed=0)
# Parse all of the states from the csv files
statevec = parseCSV(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params)

train_sets, test_sets = kfolds(statevec, nfolds; geo_train_frac, econ_train_frac, rng, split_by)
train_sets, test_sets = kfolds(statevec, nfolds; geo_train_frac, econ_train_frac, split_by)
pomdps = Array{Any}(undef, nfolds)
p = Progress(nfolds, 1, "Creating POMDPs...")
Threads.@threads for i in 1:nfolds
Expand All @@ -316,11 +317,11 @@ function create_pomdps(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbin
return pomdps, test_sets

function create_pomdps_with_different_training_fractions(train_fracs, scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by=:geo, Nsamples_per_bin=10, nfolds=5, discount=0.9, rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
function create_pomdps_with_different_training_fractions(train_fracs, scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by=:geo, Nsamples_per_bin=10, nfolds=5, discount=0.9, rng_seed=0)
pomdps_per_ngeo = []
test_sets_per_frac = []
for (geo_train_frac, econ_train_frac) in train_fracs
pomdps, test_sets = create_pomdps(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by, Nsamples_per_bin, nfolds, geo_train_frac, econ_train_frac, discount, rng=deepcopy(rng))
pomdps, test_sets = create_pomdps(scenario_csvs, geo_params, econ_params, obs_actions, Nbins; split_by, Nsamples_per_bin, nfolds, geo_train_frac, econ_train_frac, discount, rng_seed)
push!(pomdps_per_ngeo, pomdps)
push!(test_sets_per_frac, test_sets)
Expand Down

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