Small tool to help disassemble Intel 8051 opcodes.
Python3 termcolor library is needed.
$ ./ dump.bin
> help
*** Intel 8051(basic) disassembler - coded by Fritz (@anarcheuz) ***
Software coded for 256k flash dump, append with 0xff if not the case to avoid any inconvenience!
quit|q - quit
help|h - show this help
x/f <addr> - disassemble until ret|reti is found
x/i <addr> <count> - disassemble <count> instructions from <addr>
x/x <unit> <addr> <count> - disassemble from <count> words from <addr> as <unit>
-(Big endian display. Why ? Because easier to read from left to right :))
x/s <addr> <count> - interpret <addr> as 0 terminated string
xref <addr> - Try to find all xrefs to <addr>
finds <str> - find all occurences of <str>
find <hexSequence> - find all occurences of the bytes <hexSequence> (eg: find 0a1032897f)