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anandkunal edited this page Aug 23, 2012 · 7 revisions


Version 2.0.1


  • Using hash marks as delimiters to avoid regex special character collisions on pipes (Jason Mooberry)
  • Added examples: "Hello, world", blog, queue (Kunal Anand)


  • Syntax/style cleanup in the README (Berker Peksag)

Version 2.0.0

Toro v2.0.0 is a significant departure from v1.0.0. As the API is not backwards-compatible, please review the changes below.



The old API:


class MainHandler extends ToroHandler {
    function get() {
        echo "Hello, world";

$site = new ToroApplication(array(
    array("/", "MainHandler")


The new API:


class MainHandler {
    function get() {
        echo "Hello, world";

    "/" => "MainHandler"

Several things to note from the changes:

  • ToroApplication has been replaced with Toro, a static class
  • Calling serve now requires a simplified associative array of routes (route => handler)
  • ToroHandler has been removed (empty and unnecessary class)

Simplified Routing

Routing has been significantly improved. As of v2.0.0, you can define routes like:


    "/catalog" => "CatalogHandler",
    "/catalog/page/:number" => "CatalogHandler",
    "/product/:alpha" => "ProductHandler",
    "/manufacturer/:string" => "ManufacturerHandler"

With v2.0.0, you can now use route stubs such as :number, :string, and :alpha (alphanumeric). These are expanded at matchtime via string replacements.

Note, you can still use regular expressions. Here's the same example above using regexes instead of route stubs:


    "/catalog" => "CatalogHandler",
    "/catalog/page/([0-9]+)" => "CatalogHandler",
    "/product/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)" => "ProductHandler",
    "/manufacturer/([a-zA-Z]+)" => "ManufacturerHandler"

404 Handling

404 management has been extracted from toro.php and is now managed by a special 404 ToroHook:


ToroHook::add("404", function() {
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    echo "Missing Page";

This gives you control over specifying the header, including a page, exiting the control flow, etc.


  • Adjusted cache busting headers for xhr requests
  • Removed overrides from routes (use default method arguments instead)
  • Removed specialized mobile and tablet methods (use responsive layouts instead)
  • Removed the unused InvalidRouteType exception


  • Revised the projects's readme to reflect the new API
  • Updated existing examples to use the new API
  • Created the changelog to handle future updates


  • Added an MIT License
  • Added a .gitignore to prevent .DS_Store jank

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release