- upload templates/scripts/license to S3
get license file from Acryl, for example: <<xxx-customer1.yaml>>
clone this repo
set AWS access, then upload needed files to your S3 bucket (for example,cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2), under folder 'dev'
cd cloudformation
export AWS_PROFILE=***
./s3upload.sh cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2 dev xxx-customer1.yaml
create stack to deploy datahub platform in AWS
choose region -> Cloudformation -> Create stack
choose template based on your use case
Template Amazon S3 URL: https://cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/templates/datahub-deployment-v2.yaml (will create new VPC with 3 Subnets first, then deploy datahub to the new VPC)
Template Amazon S3 URL: https://cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/templates/datahub-deployment-v2-existing-vpc-3-subnets.yaml (will use existing VPC with 3 Subnets to deploy datahub)
Template Amazon S3 URL: https://cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/templates/datahub-deployment-v2-existing-vpc-2-subnets.yaml (will use existing VPC with 2 Subnets deploy datahub)
StackName: dev-datahub
TemplateBucketName: cf-templates-xxx-us-west-2
Environment: dev
VPCID: vpc-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The AZ's to deploy to: choose 3 or 2 AZs per your use case
The Existing Private Subnet 1 ID: subnet-1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Existing Private Subnet 2 ID: subnet-2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Existing Private Subnet 3 ID: subnet-3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or leave empty for 2-subnet setup
Enable Creation of ElasticSearch Service Role: set to true if ServiceLinked Role for ES doesn't exists
The AWS IAM Role arn that will be allowed to manage EKS, for example: aws:iam::AccountID:role/admin-role
DataHub Domain Name: datahub.a.b.c
ELB cert arn: arn: arn:aws:acm:REGION:AccountID:certificate/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (ssl cert for datahub.a.b.c)
The Elastic Load Balancer Inbound CIDRs: comma seperated CIDR list that can access DataHub ALB
Kots Admin Domain Name: kotsadm.e.f.g
Kots ELB cert arn: arn:aws:acm:REGION:AccountID:certificate/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (ssl cert for kotsadm.e.f.g)
Applicaiton: Kots application name
ApplicationReleaseChannel: choose Kots Application Release Channel
CreatePrivateLink: Choose 'true' to create private link endpoint service
RemoveTempResources: if you want to keep admin provision host, choose 'false'
Tags, can have customized tags here, no space allowed in either Key or Value
Stack failure options: choose 'rollback on failure'
- for troubleshooting, choose 'Preserve successfully provisioned resources' (useful when working on development of cloudformation)
- "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names."
- "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND"
click "Create stack"
you will see a stack 'dev-datahub' (this is master stack), and it will invoke nested stacks in order
find datahub platform info
- after Stack Info show Status 'CREATE_COMPLETE', you can find needed info from nested stack <<dev-datahub-AdminStack-***>>'s Outputs
manually create DNS record
create datahub.xxx.xxx.com to point to the datahub-frontend ALB
create new routes to reach this new VPC
access https://datahub.xxx.xxx.com to use datahub
- manually create VPC endpoint
under Acryl AWS account, go to same region as customer, find service by service name, for example com.amazonaws.vpce.us-west-2.vpce-svc-*** (get service name from step 4.), select shared vpc, choose 3 private subnets, attach default security group
access https://{vpc_endpoint_dns} to use manage datahub release