This repo is a basis of a guest lecture held at NTNU Trondheim in the course TDT4165 Programming Languages.
The goal is to show of as much as possible of Scala's base features in 2 hours and give motivations for why thinking of types and domains is useful and important.
- ~20 years old
- Attempts to fuse object oriented and functional programing
- Runs on JVM
- Has pioneered many of the features we see spreading the last years.
- Version 3 released "recently". Embraces braceless syntax and is compatible with 2.
Most of the teams using it is embracing the more functional style. Some things we really like:
- Errors at compile time instead of at run time
- Incredibly powerful type system
- Concise and regular language structure
- Very nice library support for doing Functional Programming
- Leverage existing tools from JVM eco system
- Ability to drop down to procedural when desired
A barebone classified ads service using the console
- Install the scala plugin (Preferences -> Plugins -> Search 'scala' -> Restart Intellij)
- Open project in Intellij
- Choose project JDK 1.8 (only tested on java8), leave rest as defaults
- Install the plugin "Metals"
- Press the play button in Main.scala
Read: Syntax
- We have a small service for inputting and outputting Ads.
- It uses the console to select mode (input, output, exit).
- We "mock" a database using a mutable Map
Read: ADTExample
- The modus variable in AdServer is implemented as a string and such has an infinite domain
- The id of ads is easily mistaken for other ids
- Our ads are just strings, make them have both a price and some text.
- Replace Modus with an Sum Type with a limited domain.
- Introduce a opaque type for AdId
- Introduce a Product Type for Ad
Read: ModelingExample
Problem: The database accepts strings and not product types
Task: Implement an ADT for two kinds of Ad and parse them from string
- CarAd, with fields regNr (registration number) and price
- JobAd, with field company
Make sure we can output Ads to the console in the same format as it is input
Read: OptionExample
Problem: UnknownAdType and Unknown mode are easily mistaken for good results
Task: Get rid of Unknown types. Also upgrade the database to be able to signal missing element.
Read: EitherExample
Problem: The user gets no feedback on what went wrong if we could not handle the input
Task: Switch previous tasks use of Options for unknowns in favor of error-signaling types
Read: RecursionExample
Problem: The app uses a while loop mutating a var. Eg it has state.
Task: Remove state in AdServer by making the run method tail-recursive
Read: IOExample
Problem: There are untracked side effects in accessing console and database
Task: Wrap up console and database effects in IO and compose program as IO.
Read: RefExample
Problem: The database is concrete for each server. We want to be able to safely use it concurrently with N servers/users.
Task: Wrap up the mutability in Database and pass a database instance into server on startup.