This repository hosts official Helm charts for Amphitheatre. These charts are used to deploy Amphitheatre to Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.9.0+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
- ReadWriteMany volumes for deployment scaling
helm repo add amphitheatre
If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update
to retrieve
the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo amphitheatre
to see the charts.
helm upgrade --install amp amphitheatre/amphitheatre --create-namespace --namespace=amp-system
The command deploys Amphitheatre API Server on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.
helm delete amp
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Amphitheatre chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
apiserver.nameOverride | String to partially override apiserver.fullname | |
apiserver.fullnameOverride | String to partially override apiserver.fullname | |
apiserver.image.registry | Image registry for the Amphitheatre APIServer | |
apiserver.image.repository | Image repository for the Amphitheatre APIServer | amphitheatre-app/amp-apiserver |
apiserver.image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Amphitheatre APIServer | IfNotPresent |
apiserver.imagePullSecrets | Array of imagePullSecrets for the Amphitheatre APIServer | [] |
apiserver.replicaCount | Number of replicas for the Amphitheatre APIServer deployment | 1 |
apiserver.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created for the APIServer | true |
apiserver.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the APIServer service account | {} | | Name of the service account to use for the APIServer, generated using the fullname template if not set | amp-apiserver |
apiserver.podAnnotations | Annotations to add to the APIServer pods | {} |
apiserver.podSecurityContext | Security context for the APIServer pods | {} |
apiserver.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | Run the APIServer pods as a non-root user | true |
apiserver.resources | Resource requests and limits for the APIServer pods | {} |
apiserver.autoscaling.enabled | Enable autoscaling for the APIServer deployment | false |
apiserver.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled | 1 |
apiserver.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled | 100 |
apiserver.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling | 80 |
apiserver.nodeSelector | Node selector for the APIServer pods | linux |
apiserver.tolerations | Tolerations for the APIServer pods | [] |
apiserver.affinity | Affinity settings for the APIServer pods | {} |
apiserver.debug | Enable debug mode for the APIServer | true |
Parameter | Description | Default |
service.type | Type of service | NodePort |
service.port | Port to expose on the service | 8170 |
service.nodePort | NodePort to use (only for NodePort type) | 31700 |
service.annotations | Annotations for the service | {} |
service.labels | Labels for the service | {} |
Parameter | Description | Default |
gateway.enabled | Enable the Gateway | false | | Host for the Gateway | api.amphitheatre.local |
Parameter | Description | Default |
ingress.enabled | Enable Ingress | false |
ingress.className | Ingress class name | "" |
ingress.annotations | Annotations for the Ingress | {} | | Host for the Ingress | api.amphitheatre.local |
ingress.tls | TLS configuration for the Ingress | [] |
Parameter | Description | Default |
controllers.nameOverride | String to partially override controllers.fullname | |
controllers.fullnameOverride | String to partially override controllers.fullname | |
controllers.image.registry | Image registry for the Amphitheatre Controllers | |
controllers.image.repository | Image repository for the Amphitheatre Controllers | amphitheatre-app/amp-controllers |
controllers.image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Amphitheatre Controllers | IfNotPresent |
controllers.imagePullSecrets | Array of imagePullSecrets for the Amphitheatre Controllers | [] |
controllers.replicaCount | Number of replicas for the Amphitheatre Controllers deployment | 1 |
controllers.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created for the Controllers | true |
controllers.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the Controllers service account | {} | | Name of the service account to use for the Controllers, generated using the fullname template if not set | amp-controllers |
controllers.podAnnotations | Annotations to add to the Controllers pods | {} |
controllers.podSecurityContext | Security context for the Controllers pods | {} |
controllers.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | Run the Controllers pods as a non-root user | true |
controllers.resources | Resource requests and limits for the Controllers pods | {} |
controllers.autoscaling.enabled | Enable autoscaling for the Controllers deployment | false |
controllers.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled | 1 |
controllers.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas when autoscaling is enabled | 100 |
controllers.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling | 80 |
controllers.nodeSelector | Node selector for the Controllers pods | linux |
controllers.tolerations | Tolerations for the Controllers pods | [] |
controllers.affinity | Affinity settings for the Controllers pods | {} |
controllers.debug | Enable debug mode for the Controllers | true |
When deployed in clusters with multiple nodes, PVCs created by amp-controllers
require the access_modes
to be ["ReadWriteMany"]
, so the storageClass
needs to be set to a StorageClass that supports that mode.
If your Kubernetes hosting platform doesn't provide a suitable StorageClass, you can try the Dynamic NFS Volume Provisioner.
Parameter | Description | Default |
persistence.storageClass | Persistent Volume storage class name | "standard" |
persistence.accessMode | Persistent Volume access mode | "ReadWriteOnce" |
Parameter | Description | Default |
crds.install | Install or uninstall the amphitheatre-crds helm chart | true |
Parameter | Description | Default |
kpack.enabled | Switch to enable or disable the kpack helm chart | true |
Parameter | Description | Default |
nats.nats.jetstream.enabled | Enable NATS JetStream | true |
nats.cluster.enabled | Enable NATS Cluster | true |
All the helm chart source code will be committed to master branch, all the charts will be placed under
and each chart will be separate with their own folder -
will be committed togh-pages
branch, which represent an accessible page. The helm repository required anindex.yaml
file to show its charts structure -
Github action is set to provide helm release automation when changes are committed to the main branch.
Due to rapid churn in the Kubernetes ecosystem, charts in this repository assume a version of Kubernetes released in the last 12 months. This typically means one of the last four releases.
Note: While these charts may work with versions of older versions of Kubernetes, only releases made in the last year are eligible for support.
See Amphitheatre or the Amphitheatre documentation site for more information.
If anything feels off, or if you feel that some functionality is missing, please check out the contributing page. There you will find instructions for sharing your feedback, building the tool locally, and submitting pull requests to the project.
Please note that the charts within are supplied as a starting point. They are not intended to support every possible Kubernetes configurable. The maintainability of a chart decreases for every additional templated line. We suggest forking the charts if you find yourself needing non-trivial modifications.
Copyright (c) The Amphitheatre Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.