To develop a reliable Motion Planner with Control algorithms for collision-free path planning and efficient navigation in a simulated environment.
People Involved :
As an input we were given a world file for the project which looks like this in gazebo
For the above project, we modelled our own 3-wheeled vehicle, The modelled vehicle has:
- LiDAR link
- IMU link
Our first task was to get the map of the above world through SLAM. For SLAM, we conducted many tests with different robots like:
- Turtlebot3(Waffle-pi)
- Atomatic Addison bot
- Turtlebot3(Burger) for MPC
We conducted SLAM with the following two packages
- Cartographer(for turtlebot3)
- SLAM toolbox(For the addison bot)
We got better results with latter, and the map after looked like this(we only mapped the lane in which the robot has to navigate through)
To increase the accuracy of the map, we decided to add walls along the lane for the Lidar scans to be more robust and accurate. For the deployment of walls. we used Gazebo's building editor using the image of the top view of the igvc world as the Floor_Plan.
With the usage of walls, we got a better Map
After getting a fairly accurate map, we moved onto trying path planning algorithms like
- Astar
- Djikstra
First we converted our map to a binary occupancy grid given below to make path planning feasible
Binary occuoancy grid for Approach_1
With the first approach on the first map(made by the addison bot), we tried plotting waypoints manually to get the results below.
Here's a one with Astar:
To make the path planning of the robot completely autonomous, We have conducted research and finalized two search-based algorithms to determine the best possible path for our project: A* and Dijkstra’s. We compared both algorithms based on several parameters and ultimately chose the path generated by A* as the final one. Overall, A* is often preferred for single-pair shortest pathfinding due to its efficiency and flexibility provided a good heuristic is available.
Initially, we had a map generated from a LiDAR scan during SLAM.
To prepare the map for pathfinding, we converted all grey pixels (non-black except 254/255) to zero pixels, resulting in a modified map. As A* modifies some elements during its process, we further converted the 254 pixels to 0 and 0 pixels to 254, producing the appropriate map for A*. We used a waypoint navigation approach to cover the entire area. Our algorithm executes missions autonomously once a set of waypoints is provided from the starting point to the goal in the form of absolute positions (such as GPS coordinates). Waypoint navigation facilitates the completion of the path by achieving shorter goals more easily. Thus, with Astar, we achieved the following path.
The algorithm encountered difficulties in completing the map if the starting and ending goals were the same. To address this, we introduced intermediate waypoints to guide the algorithm in creating an optimized and shortest path possible.For the implementation of an optimal control algorithm for trajectory tracking and planning, we used the MPC (Model Predictive Control) algorithm.
The implementation of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for our project involves a structured approach to ensure accurate path tracking and optimal control. The process can be divided into two main steps: detecting points from the CSV file obtained from path planning and running the MPC code.
Firstly, we need to import and process the CSV file that contains the path planning points. This step involves:
We utilize libraries such as Pandas to load the CSV file, which contains the coordinates of the path points generated during the path planning phase. The points are extracted and stored in arrays for further processing.
The next step is to set up and execute the MPC algorithm. This involves defining the system model, setting up the prediction and control horizons, defining the cost function and constraints, and iterating through the path points to control the system.
The Trajectory obtained with this is:
We define the state-space representation of the system, including the
- State transition matrix 𝐴 ,
- Control input matrix 𝐵 ,
- Output matrix C, and
- Feedthrough matrix D.
We also set the prediction horizon, control horizon, and define the cost function (matrices Q and 𝑅 ) along with any constraints on the control inputs and states.
In this step, we loop through the path points, solve the MPC optimization problem at each step, apply the control input to the system, and update the system state accordingly.
This is the working model of the MPC Algorithm on Turtlebot3_Burger: MPC_in_action
Xiang, Dan & Lin, Hanxi & Ouyang, Jian & Huang, Dan. (2022). Combined improved A* and greedy algorithm for path planning of multi-objective mobile robot. Scientific Reports. 12. 10.1038/s41598-022-17684-0.
Fareh, Raouf & Baziyad, Mohammed & Rahman, Mohammad & Rabie, Tamer & Bettayeb, Maamar. (2019). Investigating Reduced Path Planning Strategy for Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot. Robotica. 38. 1-21. 10.1017/S0263574719000572.
M. Abed, B., & M. Jasim, W. (2023). Hybrid approach for multi-objective optimization path planning with moving target. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 29(1), 348-357. doi: