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Build Deploy documentation

Daniel Schaeffer edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 6 revisions

Build and Deployment Documentation


This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on building and deploying our project, covering the setup, build process, deployment to an HPC cluster, and running the ETL and QA processes. This guide aims to be accessible to both technical and non-technical readers.

Build and Deployment Process

Our project uses GitHub Actions to automate the build process. This section explains the steps involved, as defined in the deep-cncf.yaml file.

GitHub Actions Workflow

The build workflow is triggered by three events:

  • Pushing changes to the main branch.
  • Opening a pull request targeting the main branch.
  • Manually via the GitHub Actions interface (workflow_dispatch).

The workflow consists of three jobs that run sequentially: License Check, Lint Check, and Build and Test.

1. License Check:

  1. Checkout Code: Retrieves the code from the repository.
  2. Set up Python: Configures Python 3.11 with caching for dependencies.
  3. Install Dependencies: Installs required Python packages.
  4. Check Copyright: Uses pilosus/action-pip-license-checker to verify license compliance.
  5. Print Report: Outputs the results of the license check.

2. Lint Check:

  1. Checkout Code: Retrieves the code from the repository.
  2. Set up Python: Configures Python 3.11 with caching for dependencies.
  3. Install Pylint: Installs the pylint tool.
  4. Run Linter: Analyzes the code for style issues using Pylint.

3. Build and Test:

  1. Checkout Code: Retrieves the code from the repository.
  2. Set up Python: Configures Python 3.11 with caching for dependencies.
  3. Install Dependencies: Installs required Python packages.
  4. Run Tests: Executes the unit tests using the unittest module.

After running the pipeline, if everything works perfectly well, we get all the checks done and it is masked as green. The pipeline turns red if there is an error and the pipeline fails. The error can be checked from the particular check from where the pipeline is broken. To identify the issue, we can directly look into the log file of the Github Action of the latest run.

FAU HPC Cluster

To deploy the project on an HPC (High-Performance Computing) cluster:

1. Access the Cluster:

  • Apply for an account.
  • Login at HPC Portal.
  • Accept the invitation to use HPC.

2. Generate SSH Key:

Use the following command to generate an SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_nhr_fau

Upload the public key to the HPC portal.

3. SSH Configuration:

Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file:

    User <HPC account>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_nhr_fau
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    PasswordAuthentication no
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    ForwardX11 no
    ForwardX11Trusted no

    User <HPC account>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_nhr_fau
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    PasswordAuthentication no
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    ForwardX11 no
    ForwardX11Trusted no

4. Login:

  • First login to ssh
  • Subsequently, use ssh

Python Configuration

Load Python on the HPC cluster using the appropriate module command for your environment.

Running ETL and QA Processes

The script automates environment setup, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and QA (Question and Answer) generation tasks. Follow these steps to execute the script.


The script has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and is compatible with Linux and macOS.


1. Environment Variables:

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:


Replace <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN> and <YOUR_HUGGING_FACE_TOKEN> with your tokens.

2. Execution:

Ensure the script is executed from the root directory:

./ [etl] [qa] <data_set_id>

Example command to execute the ETL process:

./ SuperOrganization/WorldDataset

Script Workflow for ETL and QA Generation

1. Virtual Environment Setup:

  • Creates and activates a Python virtual environment.
  • Installs required packages from requirements.txt.

2. Loading Environment Variables:

  • Loads environment variables from the .env file.

3. ETL Process:

  • Executes scripts to download and process data.
  • Runs a Scrapy spider to scrape data.
  • Continues processing and augments the data.
  • Uploads the final data to Hugging Face.

4. QA Generation:

  • Executes scripts to generate QA data.
  • Uploads the QA data to Hugging Face.


You can find a jupyter notebook that you can use to train using Google Colab or, if you have the resources, locally, in src/scripts/training/initial_colab_training.ipynb. Additionally, if you want to train on a server, you can find necessary scripts in src/hpc_scripts. Copy this directory and then follow the instructions below.

To execute an example training script, run




This will start


The hyperparameters were found using hyperparameter tuning, they might need to get changed to your specific use case.

Local-ai support

If you want to use the model with Local-ai, run local-ai in a docker container, using a docker image provided by local-ai from docker hub. You also need to pass a model configuration file to the docker container to tell local-ai which model to implement. All necessary commands are provided in



If you want to use a GPU with local-ai, you need to:

  1. Install Nvidia driver and cuda toolkit.
  2. Install Nvidia container toolkit.
  3. Pull and run local-ai image from docker hub. You can find all necessary commands in


Script Workflow for Training and local-AI

1. Virtual Environment Setup:

  • Same as before, all necessary packages already installed in the previous steps.
  • Installs required packages from requirements.txt.

2. Loading Environment Variables:

  • Loads environment variables from the .env file.

3. Training Process:

  • Executes an example training.
  • Model and log files are saved locally

4. Inference

  • You can directly use the model using llama.cpp or local-ai.